
  • “The depressed don’t write books. People who are happy write, people who travel, are in love, and talk and talk with the conviction that, one way or another, their words always go to the right place.” (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • “No, words rarely go to the right place, and if they do, it’s only for a very brief time. Otherwise they’re useful for speaking nonsense, as now. Or for pretending that everything is under control.” (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • “In all these years I believed that you were the mother figure I’d always felt the need for. I was wrong, my mother is better than you.” (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • I was hurt, not because she had revealed that for more than two years Nino had been telling me lies about the state of his marriage but because she had succeeded in proving to me what in fact she had said from the start: that my choice was mistaken, that I was stupid. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • she theorized that a woman without love for her origins is lost. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • Now that much of my life is behind me I know that my reaction to that news was overblown, and as I write I realize that I’m smiling to myself. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • But once it was known—he pointed out—he could have disappeared, forgotten about you. Why, then, did he drive from Naples to Milan, why did he travel all night, why did he humiliate himself, accusing himself, why did he beg you not to leave him? All that should signify something. It signifies, I cried, that he is a liar, that he is a superficial person, that he is incapable of making a choice. And he kept nodding yes, he agreed. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • Don’t get angry, she said, try to reflect: what does a woman of your understanding feel at the idea that her happiness becomes the ruin of someone else? (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • I told him that I had to get used to doing without him, but that for now I couldn’t, I needed time. He answered that he, instead, would never be able to live without me. I replied that he had never been able to separate himself from anything or anyone. He repeated that it wasn’t true, that circumstances were to blame, that to have me he was compelled to hold on to everything. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • I understood that the greatest sin she charged to me was forcing her to admit, with no way out, that I was worth less than Lila. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • I remembered the thousands of odious things we had gone through and I let the solidarity regain force. What a waste it would be, I said to myself, to ruin our story by leaving too much space for ill feelings: ill feelings are inevitable, but the essential thing is to keep them in check. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • “No, Nino, you won’t do it, you’ll pretend it’s nothing, as you’ve done up to now.” (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • “No. But I left my husband, I came to live in Naples, I changed my life from top to bottom. You instead still have yours, and it’s intact.” “My life is you, your children, this child who’s about to arrive. The rest is a necessary background.” “Necessary to whom? To you? Certainly not to me.” He hugged me tight, he whispered: “Have faith.” The next day I called Lila and said to her: Everything’s fine, Nino was really happy. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • I even wondered if Eleonora might love him more than I did, since she accepted every insult just to feel that he was still hers. But sometimes I couldn’t stand it anymore and I yelled at him, despite the risk that the girls might hear: Who am I for you, tell me why I’m in this city, why I wait for you every night, why I tolerate this situation. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • On the street he reproached me, saying: You know what my father’s like, there’s no need to encourage him. I nodded, and meanwhile I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Would Nino lose his hair? Would he get fat? Would he utter rancorous words against those who had been more fortunate? He was so good-looking now, I didn’t even want to think about it. He was saying of his father: he can’t resign himself, the older he gets the worse he is. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • Once when I surprised her in front of the mirror—she looked at herself often, with a curiosity she had never had—she asked me, in embarrassment, do you remember when I was young? (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • We liked sitting next to each other, I fair, she dark, I calm, she anxious, I likable, she malicious, the two of us opposite and united, and separate from the other pregnant women, whom we observed ironically. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • she cried out that the car’s boundaries were dissolving, the boundaries of Marcello, too, at the wheel were dissolving, the thing and the person were gushing out of themselves, mixing liquid metal and flesh. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • She used that term: dissolving boundaries. It was on that occasion that she resorted to it for the first time (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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  • But although I forced myself to return to the image I preferred of myself—I had always wanted to be an even-tempered person who wisely curbed petty or even violent feelings—in those final days I was unable to find an equilibrium. (查看原文)
    NUNE 2023-11-03 11:24:45
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