
  • to be born in that city ---- i went so far as to write once, thinking not of myself but of lila's perssimism----is useful for only one thing: to have always known, almost instinvtively, what today, with endless fine distinctions, everyone is beginning to claim: that the dream of unlimited progress is in reality a nighmare of savagery and death. (查看原文)
    Summer笔记 2017-05-15 11:07:52
    —— 引自章节:71%
  • “Is it possible that a stupid woman doesn’t exist?” “I didn’t say that: I said that as a rule you are better than us.” “I’m better than you?” “Absolutely, yes, and I’ve known it for a very long time.” “All right, I believe you, but at least once in your life, have you met a bitch?” “Yes.” “Tell me her name.” I knew what he would say, and yet I insisted, hoping he would say Eleonora. I waited, he became serious: “I can’t.” “Tell me.” “If I tell you you’ll get mad.” “I won’t get mad.” “Lina.” (查看原文)
    Enid 2017-06-11 02:58:09
    —— 引自章节:72
  • the moment when he had opened his eyes and seen me in the mirror, standing on the threshold. Then everything seemed clearer. There was no split between that man who came after Lila and the boy with whom—before Lila—I had been in love since childhood. Nino was only one, and the expression he had on his face while he was inside Silvana was the proof. It was the expression of his father, Donato, not when he deflowered me on the Maronti but when he touched me between the legs, under the sheet, in Nella’s kitchen. (查看原文)
    Enid 2017-06-11 02:59:48
    —— 引自章节:75
  • On that theme he often undertook long, very cultured monologues in which he tried to convince me that it wasn’t his fault but that of nature, of astral matter, of spongy bodies and their excessive liquids, of the immoderate heat of his loins—in short, of his exorbitant virility. No matter how much I add up all the books I’ve read, he murmured, in a tone that was sincere, pained, and yet vain to the point of ridiculousness, no matter how much I add up the languages I’ve learned, the mathematics, the sciences, the literature, and most of all my love for you—yes, the love and the need I have for you, the terror of not being able to have you anymore—believe me, I beg you, believe me, there’s nothing to be done, I can’t I can’t I can’t, the occasional desire, the most foolish, the most obtuse, ... (查看原文)
    Enid 2017-06-11 03:00:53
    —— 引自章节:79
  • That persecuting mother was unleashed. She began to act through me, venting because of the difficulties, the anxieties,the pain the dying mother was causing me with her frailties, the gaze of a person who is about to drown. I became intractable,every complication seemed like a plot, I often started shouting. I had the impression, in my moments of greatest unhappiness, that the chaos of Naples had settled even in my body, that Iwas losing the capacity to be nice, bo be likable. Peitro called to talk to chidren and I was brusque. The publisher called me, or some daily paper, and I protested, I said: I'm in my ninth month, I 'm stressed, leave me alone. (查看原文)
    moongate 2017-08-24 10:17:01
    —— 引自第184页
  • He had encouraged me on other occasions to find someone who could take care of the house, the shopping,the cooking,the children,but in order not to seem excessively demanding,I had always responded that I didn't want to be a bigger economic burden than necessary. Generally I tended to give more importance not to what would be helpful to me but to what he would appreciate. And then I didn't want to admit that the same problems I had already experienced with Pietro were surfacing in our relationship. But this time, surprising him, I said immediately: yes, all right, find this woman as soon as possible. And it seemed to me that I was speaking in the voice of my mother, not in the feeble voice of recent times but in strident tones. Who gave a damn about the shopping, I had to take care of my ... (查看原文)
    moongate 2017-08-24 14:41:00
    —— 引自第225页
  • She stood out among so many because she, naturally, did not submit to any training, to any use, to any purpose. All of us had submitted and that submission had - through trials, failures, successes - reduced us. Only Lila, nothing and no one seemed to reduce her. Rather, even if over the years she became as stupid and intractable as anyone, the qualities that we had attributed to her would remain intact, maybe they would be magnified. Even when we hated her we ended by respecting her and fearing her. (查看原文)
    Panacea 2018-01-24 05:32:28
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  • “是的,我说谎,但为什么你要逼我给出一个前后统一的解释,那些连贯的解释通常都是谎言。” (查看原文)
    kosomaku 1回复 2018-07-06 15:59:40
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  • 实际上,我可能期待着,我的前男友能用他通常的方式,说出一些鞭辟入里的话,用他犀利的语言陈述现在,展望未来,让我们理清思绪。但是,他是整个晚上最让我吃惊的人。他说,历史的这一页快要翻过去了,从客观上来说——他说“客观”这个词时,语气里充满了讽刺——革命的一季现在口经日薄西山了,而且会把曾经作为风向标的阶层全部抹去。 “我不觉得。”我提出了反对,但只是为了挑衅他,“在意大利,一切都很活跃,充满了斗争精神。” “你不觉得,那是因为你对自己很满意。” “才不是,我很抑郁。” “那些抑郁的人不会写书,那些幸福的人、旅行的人、恋爱的人才会写书,他们说呀说,说呀说,他们确信自己说的话都会派上用场。” “是这样吗?” “是的,那些话真的会派上用场,但只是在很短的时间里, 其余时候,只需要随便说说,信口开河,就像现在,要么假装切在自己的控制之下。” “假装?你是一直都掌控着一切,还是在假装?” “为什么不呢?假装一下很正常。我们想搞革命,就搞了革命,我们在混乱之中,也发明了一种秩序,我们假装知道事情朝着哪个方向发展。” “你是在做自我批评吗?” “是呀,文采很好,句法也说得通,前后也很连贯,出现这个状况有前因也有后果,对所有人都有一个交代,事儿就成了。” “这行不通了吗?” “哦,行得通,特别行得通。面对任何事情,从来都不会迷失,没有任何感染的伤口,缝合的地方也没有留下伤疤,没有任何让你害怕的小黑屋,这真是让人感到安慰啊!只是忽然间,这个伎俩已经不管用了。” “也就是说?” “莱农,叨叨叨,叨叨叨,意义已经脱离语言了。” (查看原文)
    kosomaku 2018-07-06 16:33:46
    —— 引自第59页
  • 他笑着从沙发上站了起来,脸色阴沉地说,他觉得一个人如果毫无畏惧,或者非常厌烦地恢复了理性,这样爱情就会结束。 (查看原文)
    kosomaku 2018-07-06 17:32:12
    —— 引自第93页
  • “为什么你要做现在这份工作?” “和你做你的工作原因一样。” “也就是说?” “当我毫无遮掩时,我发现自己很虚荣。” “谁说我很虚荣。” “对比而言,你的朋友一点儿也不虚荣,我为她感到难过,虚荣是一种资源。假如你很虚荣,你会很小心你自己,还有你自己的东西。莉拉一点儿也不虚荣,因此她失去了女儿。” (查看原文)
    kosomaku 2018-07-08 14:44:31
    —— 引自第335页
  • 我回答说:“假如伊玛离开我的话,那我的生活就没意义了。”但她微笑了,说:“谁说生活应该有意义?”然后她开始取笑我那种忙忙碌碌的写作。她用开玩笑的语气说:“意义就是一段段黑线,就像虾子身体里的屎。”她让我歇一阵子,最后感叹了一句:“每天忙忙碌碌,有什么必要。” (查看原文)
    kosomaku 2018-07-08 22:07:18
    —— 引自第426页
  • 她摁着我,我感觉她真的要杀了我。我深切地感觉到我带给她的失望,还有那种母爱的真相:她很绝望地想为我好,让我按照她说的来,让我继续过着她想都不敢想,但我已经实现的生活,这使她在前一天还是整个城区最幸运的母亲。这种自豪现在都转化成了仇恨,她要毁掉我,惩罚我,因因为我所做的,糟蹋了上天对我的眷顾。这时候我推开了她,我推开她时,叫喊声比她还大,我不是故意推她的,而是出于本能,用的力气很大,让她失去了平衡,跌倒在地板上。 (查看原文)
    Lilizi 2018-07-13 12:46:03
    —— 引自第45页
  • “要改变城区,你觉得我们应该怎么做?”“我们要诉诸于法律。” 说出这样的话,连我自己都很惊异。我发现从某些方面来说,我的话比我前夫和尼诺的话更加冠冕堂皇。莉拉开玩笑地说:“法律只对有些人管用,就是那些你一说‘法律’,他们就会马上很小心的人,但你知道这里的情况。”“然后呢?”“加入人们不害怕法律,你应该让他们感到害怕。你刚才看到的那个混蛋,我们为他做了很多工作,非常多的工作,但他不想给钱,他说他没钱。我威胁了他,我对他说:“我会去告你。”他回答说:‘你去告啊,谁他妈在乎。‘’”“你会去起诉他吗?‘’她笑了起来:“这样我永远见不到我的钱了。之前有一个会计师,偷了我们好几百万里拉。我们把他开除了,告上了法庭,但法律并没有解决这个问题。”“因此呢?”“我等的很心烦,就把安东尼奥叫来了,那些钱马上就回来了。这次的这些钱也会回来的,不用打官司,不用法律和法官。” (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-04 17:03:57
    —— 引自第262页
  • 他小声说,这些背叛的行为,假如不是在合适的时机知道,根本没有用。当一个人恋爱时会原谅所有事情,要使这些背叛起到作用,就要等着情感平淡一点儿,陷入恋爱的人时很盲目的。 (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-04 17:14:09
    —— 引自第236页
  • 他觉得一个人如果毫无畏惧,或者非常厌烦地恢复了理性,这样爱情就会结束。 (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-04 17:21:33
    —— 引自第93页
  • “我看得很清楚,我每天白天夜里都好像能看到她;但假如她死了,那我也死了,我的心死了,这种死亡比真正的死亡更加让人难以忍受,那是一种没有情感的死亡,逼着你感受这一切,每天叫醒你,让你洗漱,穿衣服,让你吃饭喝水,工作,和你说话。假如你不明白,那是你不想明白。” (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-11 19:59:08
    —— 引自第355页
  • 有一些东西,好像永远都是我们生活的背景:国家、政党、信仰、纪念碑,还有些很简单的事情,日常生活中的一些人。在生命里的某些时刻,当我们忙于其他事情时,这些貌似永恒的东西会出人预料地垮掉,那段时间就是这样。一天又一天,一月又一月,经过了种种劳累艰辛,悸动不安,有很长一段时间我觉得自己像那些长篇小说或是绘画里的主人公,停在悬崖上面或者一艘船的船头,面对着一场暴风雨,他们非但没有慌乱,而且毫发未伤。 (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-11 20:03:27
    —— 引自第365页
  • 也许在男人跟前,事情只能这样:一起生活一段时间,生完孩子然后散伙。加入是尼诺那样轻浮的男人会不负任何责任地走开;加入是像皮特罗一样严肃的人,他们会承担所有义务,给孩子所需要的东西,会表现出自己最好的一面。无论是对男人还是女人,那种夫妻相互忠诚、白头到老的时代已经结束了。为什么我们要觉得可怜的詹纳罗对黛黛是一个威胁呢?黛黛会体验她的激情,然后燃尽这种激情,继续走自己的路,可能时不时会和詹纳罗见面,说一些温情的话。事情的发展是可以预测的:为什么我希望我的女儿做出不同的选择? (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-16 10:21:39
    —— 引自第386页
  • 假如人们之前对那些要推翻政府的人充满恐惧,但现在那些打着要服务人民的旗号,但像苹果里的肥虫一样贪婪的人,也让那些选举者退避三舍。这股黑色的浪潮,之前隐藏在一片祥和的权力盛景之下,被歌功颂德、粉饰乾坤的言辞掩盖,现在这股黑狼在意大利每个角落里都在蔓延,而且事情越来越清楚,不仅仅我童年的城区是一个丑陋的地方,不仅仅那不勒斯是一个不可救药的地方。 (查看原文)
    叮当嘟当葫芦娃 2018-08-16 10:26:54
    —— 引自第427页
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