Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? 短评

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  • 1 心台 2023-02-15 12:06:41 美国

    最近因为备课又重读了几章经典,太喜欢beverly tatum了,每次看她书听她讲座都更佩服她,这本书无法总结,得自己看,感觉每句话都很值得读。关于identity, identity development, race, power…感觉看着一本抵几本近些年的畅销书。

  • 0 丸子的表姐 2019-01-10 07:40:31


  • 0 柒壹贰✨ 2020-12-13 14:29:53


  • 0 Rob 2019-11-24 13:13:10

    让我讶异的是前半部分讲述少数族裔学生在教育处境下的遭遇,简直写出了我的心理活动。"to agree to learn from a stranger who does not respect your integrity causes a major loss of self. the only alternative is to not-learn and reject the stranger's world." I guess this also goes to explain Brown's address on how LSAT and GPA even over-predict law student's of color's academic performance.

  • 0 Nicole🌵 2020-03-28 14:07:30

    很好看而且很好读。在书到手之前就很期待。开始看之后完全不辜负期望值。Prof Tatum把自己的观点写的很清楚也不啰嗦,个人经历结合研究结果,平衡得也好。少数族裔的经历不管在哪儿都是相似的。

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