1、第三章 布罗克勋爵的靴子
One Saturday evening before Christmas, a group of residents were in the pub following dinner in the mess. 【在食堂】
2、第七章 起死回生的朱莉
“It performed well in the laboratory without damaging the red blood cells and it worked fine when used in sheep. ”【用在羊身上】
3、第八章 再生的心
“Now we had to connect it without tension to the high-pressure aorta that lay almost an inch away. ”【在不拉紧】的情况下给它接上
4、第十章 电池维系的生命
“麻醉医生戴夫·皮戈特(Dave Pigott)在手腕动脉里插了一根插管,在右侧颈内静脉里插了一根静脉插管,接着又把一根气囊导管沿静脉送进右侧心脏,一直通进肺动脉。”
“ Dave Pigott, the anaesthetist, inserted a cannula into the artery in Peter’s wrist, followed by a large-bore venous cannula into the internal jugular vein on the right side of his neck. ”【一根大内径的静脉插管】
5、第十五章 双重危险
“ Julia had hit the buffers by thirteen weeks because she had a severe narrowing of the valve at the outlet of the left ventricle. ” 【十三周】
6、第十五章 双重危险
“ We inserted the cannulas through snares in the aorta and right atrium, then it was on to the machine. ”【用圈套器将插管插入】
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