《The Four》的原文摘录

  • From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, all successful businesses appeal to one of three areas of the body—the brain, the heart, or the genitals. (查看原文)
    papi姐姐 2018-02-24 10:23:38
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 7: Business and the Bo
  • Most companies are not, and can never be, the low-cost leader. It’s a select club that demands scale for long-term success. (查看原文)
    papi姐姐 2018-02-24 10:23:38
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 7: Business and the Bo
  • The heart may be irrational, but as a business strategy, targeting the heart is a shrewd and sober strategy. ... The brands, slogans, and jingles were engineered to latch onto what mattered most to consumers—what they loved. (查看原文)
    papi姐姐 2018-02-24 10:23:38
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 7: Business and the Bo
  • These organs drive desire and the relentless instinct to procreate. ... The combination of alcohol and the pursuit of youth leaves us swimming in hormones and desire. We’re very in the moment. Luxury brands have understood this for centuries. They bypass cognition and love, tying their business to sex and the broader and pleasure-packed ecosystem of mating rituals. (查看原文)
    papi姐姐 2018-02-24 10:23:38
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 7: Business and the Bo
  • If Google represents the brain, Amazon is a link between the brain and our acquisitive fingers—our hunter-gatherer instinct to acquire more stuff. ... Facebook, by contrast, appeals to our hearts.It connects us with friends and family. Unlike Google, Facebook is all about emotion. ... The unseen power of Facebook is that it not only deepens our connections to those groups, but by providing more powerful, multimedia lines of communication, it expands our connections to more members. This makes us happier; we feel accepted and loved. Apple started out in the head, firmly in the tech sector’s vocabulary of logistics. But finally, its self-expressive, luxury brand appeals to our need for sex appeal. (查看原文)
    papi姐姐 2018-02-24 10:23:38
    —— 引自章节:Chapter 7: Business and the Bo
  • While billions of people derive significant value from these firms and their products, disturbingly few reap the economic benefits. Gen eral Motors created economic value of approximately $231,000 per employee(market cap/workforce). This sounds impressive until you realize that Facebook has created an enterprise worth $20.5 million per employee .. or almost a hundred times the value per employee of the organizational icon of the last century. Imagine the economic output of a g-10 economy, generated by the population of manhattan's Lower East Side (查看原文)
    o1xhack 2018-07-27 09:55:05
    —— 引自第6页
  • Amazon is google's largest customer, but it's also threatening Google in search-55 percent of people searching for a product start on Am azon(Vs 28 percent on search engines such as Google). (查看原文)
    o1xhack 2018-07-27 10:00:20
    —— 引自第8页
  • After business school, I founded Prophet, a brand strategy firm that has grown to 400 people helping consumer brands mimic Apple In 1997, I founded Red Envelope, a multichannel retailer that went public in 2002 and was slowly bled to death by Amazon. In 2010, 1 founded L2, a firm that benchmarks the social, search, mobile, and site performance of the world's largest consumer and retail brands We use data to help Nike, Chanel, L'oreal, P&G and one in four of theworlds one hundred largest consumer firms scale these four summits. In March 2017, L2 was acquired by Gartner(NYSE: IT) Along the way, i've served on the boards of media companies (The New York Times Company, Dex Media, Advanstar)-all get-ting crushed by Google and Facebook. I also served on the board ofGateway, which sold... (查看原文)
    o1xhack 2018-07-27 10:12:48
    —— 引自第11页
  • The result is a retailer worth more than Walmart, Target, macy's, Kro ger, Nordstrom, Tiffany Co, Coach, williams-sonoma, Tesco, IkeaCarrefour, and The Gap combined. (查看原文)
    o1xhack 2018-07-28 02:26:25
    —— 引自第4页
  • FORTY-FOUR PERCENT OF U.S. HOUSEHOLDS have a gun, and 52 percent have Amazon Prime. Wealthy households are more likesto have Amazon Prime than a landline phone. Half of all onlinegrowth and 21 percent of retail growth in the United States in 2016could be attributed to Amazon. When in a brick-and-mortarstore, one in four consumers check user reviews on Amazon before purchasing (查看原文)
    o1xhack 2018-10-24 14:29:07
    —— 引自第13页
  • 笔者每周二开设的品牌战略课程班有学员120人,课程总学费72万美元,即每节课6万美元,很多学员举债上学。笔者自认为是个优秀的教师,但每当夜深人静,想到在纽约大学,学员需要向自己的课程支付的费用竟高达500美元/分钟,总感到不可思议。 名校的毕业证书是通向更好生活的敲门砖。但对于中低阶层家庭的孩子们来说,只有极其优异者才有如此机会。上层家庭和外国富豪的孩子则不然,人人都能如此。美国前20%的富裕家庭中,其子女大学入学率达88%。相对而言,底层家庭里这一比例仅为8%。中低层中的普通平凡人(占人口的绝大多数)正被社会文明所抛弃,留给他们的,是一个饥饿游戏电影中描绘的那样的世界。 另外一个重要的环节是改变教育行业的商业模式——取消学费,转而向招聘该学员的企业收取,因为相较于学生窘迫的处境,企业粮草充足。如果哈佛大学利用其370亿美元的获赠款项,取消学费,扩充班级数量,其完全可以颠覆教育行业。但是,如同其他学术机构一样,哈佛亦不能避免这种风气:相对于社会公益,大学更看重的是学术威望。纽约大学会因其极难通过的入学申请而扬扬自得。但在笔者看来,这就像是收容所会因拒绝流浪街头之人而自豪。 苹果公司有能力改变这一切。其品牌形象与教育息息相关,且资金实力雄厚。完全能够收购线上的可汗学院和实体大学(未来的教育会是线上线下结合的形式)。该公司有能力打破表面上服务于社会公益而实际上赞同姓氏制度(参考印度)的统治阶层。教育当以创造力为重心——设计、人文、艺术、新闻等课程。因为随着世界进入STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学的总称)时代,未来属于活力创新的群体。通过他们的灵感构思,辅之技术实现,社会才会更加美好,令人向往。 (查看原文)
    小新 2020-08-14 10:47:11
    —— 引自章节:第三章 苹果 从科技公司到奢侈品牌的转变
  • 雅虎股东为玛丽莎・梅耶尔登上《时尚》杂志主页花费了300万美元。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第五章 谷歌 现代上帝
  • 原先投资于时报的6亿美元(菲尔基金提供的资金)变成了3.5亿美元 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第五章 谷歌 现代上帝
  • 有人会告诉你,做你想做的事。这又是在胡说八道。……那些告诉你“做自己喜欢的事的人”通常没有经济压力。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第十章 四巨头和个人发展 跟随自己的天赋而非激情
  • 你不必对公司有忠诚之心和爱戴之情,企业也不会对你有所奖励。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第十章 四巨头和个人发展 跟随自己的天赋而非激情
  • 每一个企业在其初始阶段都没有现实意义,因为如果有的话,这家企业早就存在了。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第十章 四巨头和个人发展 跟随自己的天赋而非激情
  • 最终的目的是什么?为什么要动用如此巨额的资金以及顶级的人オ来分析数据?是为了完成某项重大的任务吗?治愈癌症还是消除贫困?难道是探索宇宙?都不是,他们就是为了多卖些货 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第十一章 写在最后 四巨头对社会生活的影响
  • 苹果公司最大的创新是 iphone,但真正让苹果逐渐向万亿美元市值的其产品分发渠道的天才一步是:进入零售领域。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第八章 T 算法 如何让企业市值万亿美元
  • 耐克为建立自己的社区在脸书上花费巨大,可如今其只有2%的发帖信息能覆盖整个社区(发帖100次,只有2次能推送到该社区所有粉丝)。 (查看原文)
    菠萝油 2021-08-08 19:06:51
    —— 引自章节:第八章 T 算法 如何让企业市值万亿美元