The Motivation Myth的书评 (3)

Nova 2020-07-20 06:41:55


完整的书摘在此: 与其叫 The Motivation Myth, 不如叫 The Success Myth。 Myth 1 成功并不是一蹴而就的,而是慢慢积攒的 当人们谈论成功的时候,往往只看到最终的结果,而忽略前面的点滴过程。比如我们在谈论 NBA 总冠...  (展开)
黑潮 2019-11-25 14:28:47


核心内容:人们常说动力是个火花,你只要抱有信念,改变思想,就能克服一切困难获取成功。其实这么说是假的。 动力来源于成功,只有人们成功了之后才会有动力,有motivation去克服接下来的困难。这个过程大概是这样 success导致motivation,之后motivation会带你克服更多困难获...  (展开)
eclair 2021-03-24 09:57:02

3/24/2021 The motivation myth

1.motivation is really a result. Motivation is the fire that starts burning after you manually, painfully, coax it into existence, and it feeds on the satisfaction of seeing yourself make progress. The problem with waiting for motivation to strike is t...  (展开)

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