The Source of Self-Regard 短评

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  • 0 米化 2022-06-08 06:23:03

    & as I updated above, zombies got active in the corridor 🐸

  • 0 ZZ 2019-05-07 08:25:39

    不能说我全部读完了这本书,因为只选择了其中几篇来看。这本厚的一本大书,又是Toni Morrison,敬仰之心总让我怀疑自己是否看懂了她写的,和她所想表达的。

  • 0 QuietAmbassa 2022-01-27 06:42:06

    Annie ig/ 读的Toni Morrison的第一本书 which means she was first introduced to me as an essayist rather than a novelist. 很多事情想的非常透 ahead of her time 学院味很浓 文笔非常好

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