Adding Special Relativity to Quantum Mechanics
The Simplest Many-Particle Theory
Constructing a Scalar Quantum Field
The Method of the Missing Box
Symmetries and Conservation Laws I. Spacetime Symmetries
Symmetries and Conservation Laws II. Internal Symmetries
Introduction to Perturbation Theory and Scattering
Perturbation Theory I. Wick Diagrams
Perturbation Theory II. Divergences and Counterterms
Mass Renormalization and Feynman Diagrams
Scattering I. Mandelstam Variables, CPT and Phase Space
Scattering II. Applications
Green's Functions and Heisenberg Fields
The LSZ Formalism
Renormalization I. Determination of Counterterms
Renormalization II. Generalization and Extension
Unstable Particles
Representations of the Lorentz Group
The Dirac Equation I. Constructing a Lagrangian
The Dirac Equation II. Solutions
The Dirac Equation III. Quantization and Feynman Rules
CPT and Fermi Fields
Renormalization of Spin-1⁄2 Theories
Coping with Infinities: Regularization and Renormalization
Vector Fields
Electromagnetic Interactions and Minimal Coupling
Functional Integration and Feynman Rules
Extending the Methods of Functional Integrals
Electrodynamics with a Massive Photon
The Faddeev Popov Prescription
Generating Functionals and Green's Functions
The Renormalization of QED
Two Famous Results in QED
Confronting Experiment with QED
Introducing SU(3)
Irreducible Multiplets in SU(3)
SU(3): Proofs and Applications
Broken SU(3) and the Naive Quark Model
Weak Interactions and Their Currents
Current Algebra and PCAC
Current Algebra and Pion Scattering
A First Look at Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
Perturbative Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
Topics in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
The Higgs Mechanism and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields
The Higgs Mechanism and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields
The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model I. A Theory of Leptons
The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model II. Adding Quarks
The Renormalization Group
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0 有用 换梦者 2022-11-27 23:40:59 北京
3 有用 穆天宁 2021-08-26 21:13:46