The Remains of the Day 短评

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  • 3 竹取Pro 2019-10-24 20:26:42

    She said she was unhappy in a flimsy plight with nonchalance after leaving, nevertheless she had been falling in love with her husband gradually. You know his heart was broken then. He knew he should cease looking back and try to make the best of what remains of his day. Love was not always there waiting for anyone. The reality was not romantic.

  • 1 sunnymiracle 2022-02-17 17:07:08

    本月读书会书目。greatness, dignity, professionalism所立的础石崩塌,是旧时代的远去,余晖的将尽。

  • 1 藤井树 2022-02-22 15:25:13


  • 3 马丁路德刘 2022-03-13 04:12:59

    People who’ve been there will know what it means

  • 1 黎麦薯包 2022-01-26 11:25:52


  • 3 Vera 2022-01-10 01:48:10

    Bordeaux shaded evening… Ishiguro’s English landscape is breathy/intoxicating. Its greatness (bitter aftertaste) resides in the restraint. There’re occasions now and then, extremely desolate ones, when you think “what a terrible mistake I’ve made with my life…”But there is still plenty of daylight left. Evening is the best part of the day, they say

  • 2 均均 2022-01-04 03:49:44

    再次证明,好的小说家必有非凡的耐心。就像一位绣工,慢得仿佛漫不经心,实则穿梭如飞,以为绣完了一处,却在不经意间回头勾勒,与之前的图景全然不同。站在Miss Kenton门外的那两处“记忆混剪”,厉害极了,后劲十足。他人生的两件大事都与Lord Darlington的两场大会同时发生,绝妙的安排。起初我很不喜欢最后落脚在bantering的结尾,以为停在evening is the best part of the day就很美了,但我想作者也许是想表示一种乐观的希望,一种步履不停的追求吧?与其抬脚享受人生的夜晚,他人生的终点就是the dignity in keeping with his position.

  • 0 GYZ 2022-11-22 00:11:40 北京


  • 1 栗子这样甜 2022-07-05 18:00:57

    Sadly, it is only after some time and only in retrospect that one could eventually grasp the true implications of certain moments which, effectively, constitute the ‘the turning points’ of one’s life.

  • 3 Vincent_GaoHJ 2022-04-15 03:56:43

    翻回第一页,2019年5月17日,这本书断断续续看了三年。石黑一雄的语言很优雅,但是复杂的句型和用词还是给了我很多 hard time。 但就是这样,我依然在合上书本的时候,思绪持久地停在了长日将尽时,落日余晖下,回看走过的路,尽力的事业,飘渺的荣誉,以及蹉跎了的岁月,和无法挽回的人生。 我们中的多少人也是这样,走在一条通向所谓尊严的路上,途中无视了自己的“存在”,等到回头时,人生早已被一本正经地荒废过去。

  • 0 悖论入侵 2022-04-12 10:32:39

    Good but not my type. Cannot appreciate stream of consciousness at this stage of my life. The language differs from England-born writers’, making me feel lost at the beginning. However, I agree that there’s no use to immerse in the past and repressing your feelings for too long time only leads to depression.

  • 0 橘子 2023-12-24 08:53:08 浙江

    今年的原著kpi完成。看之前看了电影,所以读的过程中自动代入安东尼霍普金斯和艾玛汤普森,然后一直疑惑,miss Kenton你到底喜欢stevens啥???最后倒是有点唏嘘。这样的性格,是时代,是家庭,是职业共同塑造的,哪怕意识到自己只是个影子似的,想的还是如何把工作做好,展现自己的职业,那事关dignity

  • 0 肯尼 2023-11-14 11:52:18 江苏

    认真、传统、古板、谨小慎微,一个有幸旁观了历史重要时刻而懵懵懂懂的人,一个错过了爱情,些许悲剧而不自知的人,在长日所剩不多的时刻,隐隐约约的感到了遗憾。车站的自白是点睛之一,让人感怀。"For instance, I get to thinking about a life I might have had with you, Mr. Stevens."

  • 0 ಥ_ಥ🍊 2023-11-11 00:18:46 北京

    很喜欢这本书的中文译名 长日将尽…无论是管家这份职业和坚持的尊严,还是Lord Darlinton的那份honor,还是和Miss Kenton错过的情感,都已变成余晖…逐渐隐没在一个华灯初上的傍晚。

  • 0 阿斯帕拉戈斯 2024-03-25 23:46:17 上海

    The failure of professionalism completes a man.

  • 1 杨不过 2022-05-08 18:00:24


  • 0 Akira 2022-08-11 18:31:21

    怎么说,挺多细节我是理解这位主角,但是真的爱不起。三分给剧情,一分给描写。主线伤不起,就英式的存天理灭人欲是吧。我不否认这人很工作出色但让他如此坚持做机器人一样的选择走到这个end,也不能说he或者be反正他开心不后悔就好吧。爱情线竟让我感觉到日式轻小说男主的特质,就那种我对你冷淡冷嘲热讽所有的都是你主动我傲娇但是我内心在意所以这一定是爱情。Miss Kenton能在现实里完全拒绝他这个自命不凡的老宅男我真的常舒一口气。一开始来回读信直接想那么远就觉得很那啥了,那么在意不会好好说话?展现人类的好意费多少劲?还是只有gentlemen才配当人?几个和Kenton互动的场景很不适,和日剧女主似的 倒贴。什么克制啊,那不是克制是冷暴力,他把自己的真爱热情都奉献给his lordship才是真相吧

  • 0 itsareverie 2022-07-31 16:43:27

    Impressive. It’s easy to read and every time when I opened it I felt peace in mind and heart. As if I went to the little respite trip with Mr. Stevens, I witnessed the greatness and dignity belonging to old days. Besides, the wording is quite elegant and suitable for the characters and story.

  • 0 Dody 妈 2022-07-23 18:57:20

    #3月读书 “The remains of the day” By石黑一雄 不敢吹嘘自己的阅读速度,实打实地查了很多生词的管家回忆录,读《克拉拉和太阳》的流畅让我明白一个好的作家靠简单的语言可以撑起一个精彩故事也同样通过单词展现受教育程度和诺贝尔文学奖水平。Stevens的一生都在注解作为一个“英式管家”的尊严,在他浓浓的淡淡的回忆中却怎么都是透着一股日式哀愁,夹在两次世界大战中的英国社会背景下的一曲大宅挽歌。不论如何评价Stevens的愚忠和局限性,我只看到他为了做到“卓越管家”去读浪漫主义小说为的是精进自己用语的细节。长日将尽,告别心中旧爱。孤独的Stevens转身投入到新的太阳里去了。

  • 0 未雨 2023-07-17 18:34:09 河南

    The empire is going to fall, and there is no meaning to cling to the old day's dream. Any nation or person is doomed to be abandoned if not keeping pace with the age, so don't immerse yourself in the past days, don't look back, just go straight forward, or you're bound to get depressed. To be a great butler, Stevens idled away his life and love.

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