《Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ》的原文摘录

  • If you solve your money problem,your financial intelligence grows.when your financial intelligence grows, you become richer.if you want to increase your financial intelligence ,you need to be a problem- solver. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-06-25 09:36:58
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  • Answers are about the past,and abilities are about the future. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-06-25 09:36:58
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  • 1.Making more money. 2.Protecting your money. 3.Budgeting your money. 4.Leveraging your money. 5.Improving your financial information. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-06-25 09:36:58
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  • The first step is to decide what the best way for you to make more money is. I'd decided that the best way for me to earn money was as an entrepreneur,not an airline pilot or ship's officer.I knew that if I were to become an entrepreneur , I needed sales skills. There was only one problem:I was terribly shy and dreaded rejection. Controlling the highs and lows of my emotions, and delaying short-term gratification ,was essential in developing my financial intelligence. One of the toughest lessons I had to learn from my rich dad was to stick with the process until I won. You can quit when you win,but never quit because you're losing. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • What will my life be like if I take on this challenge and succeed? (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • Life is a daring adventure...or nothing. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • True intelligence is about learning to solve problems in order to qualify to solve bigger problems. True intelligence is about the joy of leaning rather than the fear of failing. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • Assets put money in your pocket whether you work or not. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • One of reason the poor and middle class struggle is that they work for money and a steady paycheck.The problem with working for money is you have to work harder, longer, or charge to make more money.The problem with physically working harder and longer is that we all have a finite amount of time and energy. One of the reasons why the rich get richer is that every year they work to build or acquire more assets.Adding more assets does not require working harder or longer. In fact, the higher a person's financials IQ,the less he or she works while acquiring more and better-quality assets.You see, assets work for the rich by producing passive income. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-03 08:52:09
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  • 1.Both Kim and I took classes on investing in stock and real estate.Having more knowledge allowed us to tell an educated broker from a salesperson. 2.We looked for brokers who were also students of their profession.Both Tom and John invested a lot of time beyond their minimum professional education requirements in their fields.Tom often invites me to look at business he is researching.John is a real estate broker who actually invests in real estate. 3.We want to know if they invest in what they sell.After all, why should you invest in what they're selling if the broker doesn't have the confidence to invest in the same stocks? 4.We wanted a relationship, not a transaction. 5.Before you turn your money over to a broker, at a minimum , ask the broker if you can call some of their clients and ... (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-22 09:48:30
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  • I am a long- term customer of a number of investment newsletters and financial magazines. I am also a customer of business that sell educational products and seminars. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-22 09:48:30
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  • 《Grunch of Giants by Fuller》 《The Dollar Crisis by Richard Duncan》 《The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism by John Bogle》 《Empire of Debt by Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin 》 (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-22 09:48:30
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  • Make saving,tithing,and investing at least priority 2(get job,saving,make the mortgage, pay bills),and list them as an expense on your financial statement.She knew that saving, tithing,and investing we're a necessary expense to create a surplus, our first and most important expense. The higher percentage you direct to your asset column, the higher your financial IQ3. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-07-22 11:41:38
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  • Since most of my investment in real estate is based upon rental prices and operating costs of a property, up and down markets in real estate do not affect me as much. Instead of diversify, professional investors do two things. One is to focus only on great investments. This saves money and increases returns. The second is to hedge. Hedging is another term for insurance. The difference is I was investing for cash flow using my ban let's money for a higher return on investment and paying less in taxes. That is a better use of leverage. The good news is that the higher your financial intelligence, the more money you make without needing money. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-08-07 12:57:13
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  • Today,information and a very inexpensive computer can transport from poor to super rich while you're sitting at home.All it takes is the right information. Without classification, all information is equal and virtually worthless. A smart investor knows the difference between facts and opinions. Gold is priced in international markets. Real estate is priced in a local market. Today,instead of diversifying, I prefer to focus on a few small assets, notice a trend, and invest with the trend. Since I know a trend can reverse and change direction,I don't blindly invest for the long term, need to be flexible. I believe silver is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-08-07 14:02:57
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  • The subconscious brain is the most powerful of the three brains.it can't think.It can only react. Rich people speak a different dialect.It's a matter of mirror neurons and of standard of living . Environment was the most powerful teacher of all.if you want to become rich,you need to find an environment that is conducive to becoming richer,an environment that strengthens all three brains. Ironically, work and school are not those environment for most people. For people who want to be entrepreneurs, taking a job with a small company can be a great learning environment. (查看原文)
    乌石子 2014-08-07 14:24:03
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  • 许多自由职业者并没有拥有自己的生意,他们拥有的仅仅是一份工作。如果自由职业者停止工作,他们的收入就会停止或者降低。很明显,一份工作并不是一份资产。 (查看原文)
    章赳赳 2015-07-07 22:50:22
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  • 要想变得富有,你就必须认清这样一个事实,问题从来不会自动消失。当你发现了解决一个问题的方法,另一个新的问题就会突然出现,关键是你一定要认识到,正是解决这些问题的过程才使得你变得富有。你一旦解决了自己的问题,就会解决别人的问题,你也会前途无量。 (查看原文)
    章赳赳 2015-07-07 22:53:00
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  • 富爸爸过去常说:“如果你把爱和金钱结合在一起,那么将是财务上愚蠢而非财务上理智占了上风。“我和金结婚时,我们俩都没有什么钱,所以我知道我嗯不是为了钱而结婚的。虽然我们没有什么钱,但还是制定了在婚姻不能按照我们希望的那样发展时所要采取的退出策略。” (查看原文)
    章赳赳 2015-07-07 22:55:35
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  • 不管什么时候,当我听到某个企业回购股票,就马上意识到这可能有某种不同寻常的意味。回购股票可能表明企业已经停止发展,而且管理层不知道该如何继续发展。对于投资者来说不是一个好兆头。 (查看原文)
    章赳赳 2015-07-07 22:58:02
    —— 引自第114页
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