1 Introduction and background
1.1 A brief history of algebraic curves
1.2 Relationship with other parts of mathematics
1.2.1 Number theory
1.2.2 Singularities and the theory of knots
1.2.3 Complex analysis
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1 Introduction and background
1.1 A brief history of algebraic curves
1.2 Relationship with other parts of mathematics
1.2.1 Number theory
1.2.2 Singularities and the theory of knots
1.2.3 Complex analysis
1.2.4 Abelian integrals
1.3 Real Algebraic Curves
1.3.1 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
1.3.2 Techniques for drawing real algebraic curves
1.3.3 Real algebraic curves inside complex algebraic curves
1.3.4 Important examples of real algebraic curves
2 Foundations
2.1 Complex algebraic curves in Cs
2.2 Complex projective spaces
2.3 Complex projective curves in Ps
2.4 Affine and projective curves
2.5 Exercises
3 Algebraic properties
3.1 Bezout's theorem
3.2 Points of inflection and cubic curves
3.3 Exercises
4 Topological properties
4.1 The degree-genus formula
4.1.1 The first method of proof
4.1.2 The second method of proof
4.2 Branched covers of PI
4.3 Proof of the degree-genus formula
4.4 Exercises
5 Riemann surfaces
5.1 The Weierstrass function
5.2 Riemann surfaces
5.3 Exercises
6 Differentials on Riemann surfaces
6.1 Holomorphic differentials
6.2 Abel's theorem
6.3 The Riemann-Roch theorem
6.4 Exercises
7 Singular curves
7.1 Resolution of Singularities
7.2 Newton polygons and Puiseux expansions
7.3 The topology of singular curves
7.4 Exercises
A Algebra
B Complex analysis
C Topology
C.1 Covering projections
C.2 The genus is a topological invariant
C.3 Spheres with handles
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1 有用 阅微草堂 2014-10-28 17:20:14
1 有用 邻家大爷 2020-08-16 15:52:54
0 有用 tyskin汩余不及 2009-03-17 11:15:35
0 有用 絶対隔絶 2021-11-09 00:08:18
0 有用 絶対隔絶 2021-11-09 00:08:18
1 有用 邻家大爷 2020-08-16 15:52:54
1 有用 阅微草堂 2014-10-28 17:20:14
0 有用 tyskin汩余不及 2009-03-17 11:15:35