This is a historic edition for a previous calendar year. Do you tire of generating passwords? Are your passwords too easy to guess? Do your friends use insecure passwords? Do you need a little diversion when passing through customs? This book might be for you! Now you can be genuinely cryptic. What's inside are 366 randomized tables containing all 95 of the printed symbols that appear on U.S. English keyboards. That's right, you get uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals, percent signs, spaces, breves, tildes, curly braces, and everything else from ASCII 32 through 126! For every day of the year, there is a table with 40 rows of 72 columns of these symbols. Need to come up with a hard to guess password? No problem! Open to your special day and point somewhere at random. Then read forward, backward, up, down, diagonally, spiraling, skipping, curving, zigzagging, or however you want for as many symbols as your heart desires. Write with a highlighter or in the margins if you want help remembering the authentication code of your nightmares. Or see how many inappropriate words you can find by navigating cleverly. Will you ever run out of potential passwords? Every day brings you 2,880 new characters to play with for a total of 1,054,080 for the leap year. That's over a million for ten-fingered beings, or over 2**20 for two-fingered beings. Typeset in a 9-point programming font to facilitate distinction of the fun symbols O, 0, I, l, 1, B, 8, &, 5, and S. Accept no pseudorandom imitations! These tables were generated using an actual hardware random number generator (HRNG) that extracts information from oscillator phase noise. This means there's no way that someone can ever prove that nothing is hiding inside this book. Accordingly, this is a great text to carry across national boundaries when you're looking for a little fun.