更为安全的产权和国家承诺加强了对世袭私人财富的保护。千年来,文明社会并没有让自己适应和平的平等化进程。对于广泛的社会范围和不同的发展水平,稳定都会助长经济不平等。暴力性冲击对破坏既定秩序,压缩收入和财富的分布,缩小贫富差距都是至关重要的。在整个有记载的历史进程中,最有力的矫正作用总是由最有力的冲击引起的。4种不同类型的暴力冲击缓和了不平等:大规模动员战争、变革性的革命、国家衰败和致命传染病。我将这些称为矫正力量的四骑士。等到尘埃落定的时候,富人和穷人之间的差距缩小了,有时甚至急剧缩小了。 (查看原文 )
乞讨、行骗和盗窃有助于获得更为平等的资源分配。对独裁主义行为及其扩张的制裁方式包括谣言、批评、奚落、违抗、放逐,甚至包含谋杀在内的身体暴力。 (查看原文 )
in the early fourteenth century, the average Cairene might consume a modest 1,154 calories per day, including 45.6 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat, but by the mid-fifteenth century was able to dispose of 1,930 calories, including 82 grams of protein and 45 grams of fat. (查看原文 )
new ways to grow.
For thousands of years, civilization did not lend itselfBniahionterss
to peaceful equalization Across a wide range of societiesand different levels of development, stability favoredeconomic inequality. This was as true of Pharaonic Egyptas it was of Victorian England, as true of the RomanEmpire as of the United States. Violent shocks were ofparamount importance in disrupting the establishedorder, in compressing the distribution of income andwealth, in narrowing the gap between rich and poorThroughout recorded history, the most powerful levelinginvariably resulted from the most powerful shocks. Fousdifferent kinds of violent ruptures have flattenedinequality: mass mobilization warfare, transformativerevolution, state failure, and lethal pandemics. I callthese the Four Hors... (查看原文 )