
  • 可是,你心里有一种感情,使男人爱上你的时候不辨美丑了。有了这种感情,你就让他迷糊,也让你自己迷糊了。然后有一天不知为什么,他看出了你本来的丑相,不再迷糊啦,于是你跟他一样,也看出了你自己的丑相,你就失去了你的男人和你自己的感情,你明白吗,漂亮的姑娘? (查看原文)
    毒毒 2016-11-09 18:21:26
    —— 引自第107页
  • Then there was the smell of heather crushed and the roughness of the bent stalks under her head and the sun bright on her closed eyes and all his life he would remember the curve of her throat with her head pushed back into the heather roots and her lips that moved smally and by themselves and the fluttering of the lashes on the eyes tight closed against the sun and against everything, and for her everything was red, orange, gold-red from the sun on the closed eyes, and it all was that color, all of it, the filling, the possessing, the having, all of that color, all in a blindness of that color. For him it was a dark passage which led to nowhere, then to nowhere, then again to nowhere, once again to nowhere, always and forever to nowhere, heavy on the elbows in the earth to nowhere, dark, ... (查看原文)
    胡桃夹子 2018-03-18 07:44:11
    —— 引自第166页
  • So if your life trades its seventy years for seventy hours I have that value now and I am lucky enough to know it. And if there is not any such thing as a long time, nor the rest of your lives, nor from now on, but there is only now, why then now is the thing to praise and I am very happy with it. Now, ahora, maintenant, heute. Now, it has a funny sound to be a whole world and your life. Esta noche, tonight, ce soir, heute abend. Life and wife, Vie and Mari. No it didn’t work out. The French turned it into husband. There was now and frau; but that did not prove anything either. Take dead, mort, muerto, and todt. Todt was the deadest of them all. War, guerre, guerra, and krieg. Krieg was the most like war, or was it? Or was it only that he knew German the least well? Sweetheart, chérie, pr... (查看原文)
    胡桃夹子 2018-03-18 08:10:49
    —— 引自第174页
  • “Eatest thou always onions for breakfast?” Agustín asked. “When there are any.” “Do all in thy country do this?” “Nay,” Robert Jordan said. “It is looked on badly there.” “I am glad,” Agustín said. “I had always considered America a civilized country.” “What hast thou against the onion?” “The odor. Nothing more. Otherwise it is like the rose.” Robert Jordan grinned at him with his mouth full. “Like the rose,” he said. “Mighty like the rose. A rose is a rose is an onion.” “Thy onions are affecting thy brain,” Agustín said. “Take care.” “An onion is an onion is an onion,” Robert Jordan said cheerily and, he thought, a stone is a stein is a rock is a boulder is a pebble. (查看原文)
    胡桃夹子 2018-03-18 15:02:07
    —— 引自第299页
  • “Does it weigh on thee now?” “No. It is as though it had never happened since we were first together. There is the sorrow for my parents always. But that there will be always. But I would have thee know that which you should know for thy own pride if I am to be thy wife. Never did I submit to any one. Always I fought and always it took two of them or more to do me the harm. One would sit on my head and hold me. I tell thee this for thy pride.” “My pride is in thee. Do not tell it.” “Nay, I speak of thy own pride which it is necessary to have in thy wife. And another thing. My father was the mayor of the village and an honorable man. My mother was an honorable woman and a good Catholic and they shot her with my father because of the politics of my father who was a Republican. I saw both of ... (查看原文)
    胡桃夹子 2018-03-19 04:31:54
    —— 引自第364页
  • Then he stood there against the tree stamping his feet softly and he did not think any more about the bridge. The coming of the dark always made him feel lonely and tonight he felt so lonely that there was a hollowness in him as of hunger. In the old days he could help this loneliness by the saying of prayers and often coming home from hunting he would repeat a great number of the same prayer and it made him feel better. But he had not prayed once since the movement. He missed the prayers but he thought it would be unfair and hypocritical to say them and he did not wish to ask any favors or for any different treatment than all the men were receiving. No, he thought, I am lonely. But so are all the soldiers and the wives of all the soldiers and all those who have lost families or parents. I... (查看原文)
    包菜丝全自动 2020-01-03 01:15:25
    —— 引自第202页
  • 无论谁殒灭, 我都受折损, 因为人人皆我,我皆人人; 所以,不要去打听那钟声为谁而鸣; 钟声超度的恰是你的亡灵。 ——约翰・邓恩 (查看原文)
    素年何时 2020-02-29 21:56:40
  • 然而这些年来,也只有在此时此刻,在这生离死别的时刻,他才再次感到自己很稚气,就像他当初在火车开动前那一瞬间的感觉一样。他这时感到自己很稚气,也很笨拙,他这时说再见的尴尬模样,就像学校里的一个小男生在跟一个小女生道别时的情形一样,在门廊前说着再见,却不知究竟该不该吻这个女孩,囧得不知如何是好。转念一想,他明白了,使他感到囧得一时不知所措的并不是这道别,而是他马上要去面对的生死未卜局面。他对这即将面对的局面感到很困窘,道别只是这其中的一部分心情而已。 (查看原文)
    素年何时 2020-02-29 21:56:40
    —— 引自第525页
  • 好吧,他想。他十分安静地躺着,竭力坚持着,因为他觉得生命在悄悄离去,就像你留意到有时积雪从山坡上开始悄悄融化一样,这时他平静地说,那就让我坚持到他们到来吧。 罗伯特・乔丹的运气仍然很好,因为正在这时,他看到骑兵队策马跑出树林,跨过公路。他注视着他们正在登坡。他看到有个骑兵在那匹灰马旁停了下来,对朝他骑来的军官喊了一声。他注视着他们俩低头察看那匹灰马。他们当然认得这匹马。打上一天清晨以来,这匹马和它的主人就失踪了。 罗伯特·乔丹看到他们在山坡上,这时跟他离得很近,他还看到坡下的公路、桥和桥对面那几长列车辆。这时他全神贯注,对这切望了好一会儿。他然后抬头望着天空。天上有大块大块的白云。他用手掌摸摸身边的松针地,摸摸身前那棵松树的树皮。 接着他把两只胳膊肘搁在松针地上,尽量躺得舒服一些,手提机枪的枪口架在松树树干上。 那军官这时顺着游击队留下的马蹄印策马小跑而来,要经过罗伯特・乔丹埋伏处下面二十码的地方。隔着这距离打枪,不会有什么问题。这军官正是贝仓多中尉。一接到关于下面那哨所遭袭击的消息,他就奉命从拉格兰哈赶来。他们兼程前进,然后不得不掉回头去,在上游高处跨过河谷,从树林里绕过来,因为桥梁被炸掉了。他们胯下的马儿汗淋淋的,喘着大气,他们不得不逼着马儿小跑。 贝仑多中尉注视着那道马蹄印,策马而来,瘦削的脸严肃而庄重。他左臂弯里的手提机枪横搁在马鞍上。罗伯特・乔丹伏在树后面,小心谨慎地控制着自己,免得双手发抖。他等待着这军官来到松林边第一排树木和绿茵茵的山坡接界的地方,那里照耀着阳光。他感觉到自己的心脏抵在树林里的松针地上怦怦地跳着。 (查看原文)
    堇灿 2020-06-29 01:54:14
    —— 引自章节:None
  • 可是我不喜欢他那份忧伤,他想。那份忧伤不好。那是人们在撒手不干或者背叛前所有的忧伤。那是一种在出卖别人之前滋生的忧伤。 …… 西班牙人好的时候真了不起,他想。他们好的时候谁也比不上他们,但变坏的时候可谁都不如他们坏。 …… 可是你确实知道他正在迅速变坏,而且毫不掩饰。当他开始掩饰的时候,准是已经拿定主意了。 (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-07-25 23:21:20
    —— 引自章节:None
  • 原来是粗糙的料子的地方,现在是一片光滑,光滑、坚实、圆鼓鼓地紧挨着,长长的,暖暖的,一片凉意,外面凉而里面暖,长长的,轻轻的,紧紧的搂着,紧紧的搂在一起了,落寞空虚却又轮廓分明,给人快慰,年轻可爱,这时全都变得暖暖地光滑,给人一种空虚、胸口作痛、紧密拥抱的落寞之感。 (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-07-29 23:23:20
    —— 引自章节:None
  • “听着,”妇人说。“我不是胆小鬼,但我在大清早看问题非常清楚,而且我想,我们眼前活着的熟人中有许多再也活不到下一个星期天。” …… “听着,”妇人说。“我向你袒露我的悲哀,可别以为我决心不够。我的决心可从没出过毛病。” …… “我对共和国有很大的幻想。我坚决相信共和国,我有信心。像那些信教的人相信奇迹,我热烈地相信共和国” …… “这是必要的。这我知道。有两件事我们必须干。我们必须离开这,我们必须打胜仗。炸桥是必要的,如果我们要打胜仗的话。” “巴勃罗这么机灵,为什么他看不到这点?” “因为他软弱,就想保持原状。他宁愿软弱,待在漩涡里。但河水在涨。形式逼迫他非改不可,他也会随着变得机灵的。” (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-07-30 23:19:12
    —— 引自章节:None
  • 华金说。“我一家人都是左派,跟巴利阿多里德许多人一样。当时法西斯分子血洗我家乡,先毙了我爹。他投过社会党的票。然后毙了我妈。她也投过社会党的票。她一辈子还是第一次投票。后来,他们毙了我的一个姐夫。他是电车司机工会的会员。很清楚,他不参加工会就不能开电车。但是他不问政治。我很了解他。他甚至有点不顾及体面。我看他甚至算不上是个好同志。……” …… (聋子)“我正在唠叨。这是为了我们可以互相了解。我们在这儿活着靠的是奇迹,靠法西斯分子又懒又蠢这一奇迹,但到时候他们会纠正过来的。当然我们也非常小心,不在这一带山里惹麻烦。” (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-08-20 00:21:22
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  • 巴勃罗显然最精明。他立刻明白情况有多糟。那夫人全力支持炸桥,现在依然如此;但是对于这件事所包含的实质的认识逐渐使她受不了,已经对她起了极大的作用。聋子立即立刻看清这件事,也肯干,但是并不比他,罗伯特·乔丹,更喜欢干它吧。 (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-08-23 19:05:35
    —— 引自章节:None
  • …… 那是一种为全世界被压迫的人们鞠躬尽瘁的感情,就像宗教悟彻一样令人局促不安,难以言宣,但它是真诚的感情,正像你倾听巴赫的音乐,或站在夏尔特尔大教堂或莱昂大教堂中见到大窗户外射进光亮时所产生的情绪;或者像当你在普拉多国立博物馆见到曼坦那、格列科和勃吕格尔的油画时的感受。它使你感觉到你参预了一项你全心全意信仰的事业,和其他参与的人有一种极度的兄弟情谊。这种感情你以前从来不理解而现在体会到了,你对它那么重视,认为他是那么合理,以致你自己的死亡似乎完全无关紧要;只因为死亡会妨碍你履行职责,才要加以避免。但是最好的一点是你可以为了这种感情以及这种必要性而采取行动。你可以战斗。 …… (国际纵队)但一支成分好坏兼有的军队无法打胜仗。所有的人都必须给培养为具有一定的政治觉悟水平;所有的人都必须了解他们正在为什么而战斗和战争的重要性。所有的人都必须对未来的战斗充满信心,都必须服从纪律。我们正在建设一支庞大的征募军,但没时间树立征募军所必备的在炮火下该如何形容的纪律。我们称它为人民军,然而它缺乏真正的人民军的优秀品质,又缺乏征募军所需要的铁的纪律。你会明白的,这做法十分危险。 …… (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-08-26 23:36:20
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  • Qué cosa más mala es la guerra. (查看原文)
    Baron 2020-08-29 14:52:34
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  • 所有的杰出人物,你仔细想想就知道,都是快快活活的。快快活活的情绪要好得多,而且这也是一种吉兆。仿佛你还活着的时候就得到了永生。这是个复杂的问题。不过这种人剩下不多了。是呀,这种快快活活的人剩下不多了。剩下的这种人少得可怜。但要是你继续这样想,老弟,你也不会给剩下。现在别去想它了,老伙计,老同志。你现在是个炸桥的人。不是思想家。好家伙,我饿啦,他想。我希望巴勃罗是个好吃喝的人。 (查看原文)
    远山淡影 2020-09-06 23:01:50
  • 你本该杀掉一个,而不是造一个! (查看原文)
    大名曹钢蛋 2020-10-10 09:25:38
  • 陡然间,灼热地、绵延地,所有的何方都消失了,时间全然静止,而他俩都在那儿,时间已驻,他感到地面离开他们的身下,越移越远。 (查看原文)
    大名曹钢蛋 2020-10-13 15:19:20
  • 对他来说,这是一条不知通向何方的幽暗通道,而后仍不知道通向何方,接着仍不知道通向何方,再往后还是不知道通向何方,总是、永远是不知通向何方,手肘承受着重量陷在泥土里不知道通向何方,幽暗的,永远没有尽头地不知道通向何方,总是紧攥这未知的何方,一次又一次却永远不知道通向何方,此时再也无法忍受而不知道去往何方。时而,忍耐不可忍耐的,忍耐、忍耐以到达那个所谓的何方。 (查看原文)
    大名曹钢蛋 2020-10-13 15:13:50
    —— 引自章节:第十三章