Self¡ªdirected work leams£®when properly<br > implemented£¬enable cumpanies to attain<br > dramatic increases in productivity and product<br > quality£®They help people from diverse areas of<br > the company work together more efficiently<br > and compete more effectively with foreign and<br > domestic rivals£®<br > The authors£®all acknowledged leaders in<br > 0rganizatiOnaI consultation£¬show how their<br > methods have helped TRW¡¯Cummins Engine¡£<br > General Electric£¬Blue CrOSS 0f 0hio£®Hughes<br > T001£®and many other companies jncrease the<br > efficiency of their workers and the value of their<br > end products£®SeIf-Directed Work Teams<br > provides£º<br > ¿ÚA practical¡°why,what£®and how¡±for under-<br > standing and implementing this revolutionary<br > new service and manufacturing concept£®<br > ¿ÚThe means for motivating line employees<br > and improving job performance£®<br > ¿ÚA blueprint for increasing employee produc¡ª<br > tivity£®<br > ¿ÚA method that reduces the need for Iayers<br > of corporate bu reaucracy£®<br > In today s dynamic marketplace£¬only the agile<br > and lean survive£®Is your company prepared?<br > Se£¯f-Directed Work Teams shows you how to<br > boost productivity,improve the quality of your<br > product or service£¬and thrive on competition£®<br >