Do not despair. I know you will not despair. You have a manly and a proud heart. A proud heart Can survive a general failure because such a failure dos not prick its pride. It is more difficult and more bitter when a man fails alone. (查看原文)
He sighed heavily, and as if in sympathy the smouldering log also sighed. And immediately Okonkwo's eyes were opened and he saw the whole matter clearly. Living fire begets cold, impotent ash. He sighed again, deeply. (查看原文)
A: You say that there is one supreme God who made heaven and earth. We also believe in Him and call him Chukwu. He made all the world and the other gods.
B: There are no other gods. Chukwu is the only God and all others are false. You carve a piece of wood – like that one (he pointed at the rafters from which Akunna’s carved Ikenga hung), and you call it a god. But it is still a piece of wood.
A: Yes. It is indeed a piece of wood. The tree from which it came was made by Chukwu, as indeed all minor gods were. But He made them for his messengers so that we could approach Him through them. It is like yourself. You are the head of your church.
B: No. The head of my church is God Himself.
A: I know. But there must be a head in this world among men. Sombody like yourself must be the head her... (查看原文)