The Return of the Native的笔记(3)

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  • K宝

    There was, however, gradually evolved from its transformation scenes a lessextravagant episode, in which the heath dimly appeared behind the generalbrilliancy of the action. She was dancing to wondrous music, and herpartner was the man in silver armour who had accompanied her throughthe previous fantastic changes, the visor of his helmet being closed.Themazes of the dance were ecstatic. Soft wh...

    2022-03-21 21:10:02   5人喜欢

  • K宝

    He was permeated with its scenes, with itssubstance,and with its odours. He might be said to be its product.His eyeshad first opened thereon; with its appearance all the first images of hismemory were mingled; his estimate of life had been coloured by it: his toyshad been the flint knives and arrow-heads which he found there,wondering why stones should "grow" to such odd shapes; his flowers, th...

    2022-03-21 22:06:47

  • K宝

    The heaven being spread with this pallid screen and the earth with thedarkest vegetation, their meeting-line at the horizon was clearly marked. Insuch contrast the heath wore the appearance of an instalment of nightwhich had taken up its place before its astronomical hour was come:darkness had to a great extent arrived hereon, while day stood distinct inthe sky. 天上张的既是这样灰白的帐幕,地上...

    2022-03-21 17:06:25



The Return of the Native

>The Return of the Native