
  • With his contrasting vision of anxious, work-obsessed, overly disciplined Italians and happy-go-lucky, carefree Germans... (查看原文)
    潜入深水的鬼魂 5回复 2赞 2013-03-21 19:22:03
    —— 引自第124页
  • When the newly elected bishop of Hildesheim, in the north of Germany, asked to see the diocesan library, he was brought to the armory and shown the pikes and battleaxes hanging on the walls; these, he was informed, were the books with which the rights of the bishopric had been won and must be defended. (查看原文)
    Adiyat 2016-08-25 10:05:00
    —— 引自第36页
  • At first the copying was probably done in an improvised setting in the cloister...But in time special rooms were designated or built for the purpose...these were large rooms equipped with clear glass windows under which the monks, as many as thirty of them, sat at individual desks, sometimes partitioned off from one another. (查看原文)
    Adiyat 2016-08-25 10:53:19
    —— 引自第39页
  • "He shall be compelled to read." It was this compulsion that, through centuries of chaos, helped to salvage the achievements of ancient thought. (查看原文)
    Adiyat 2016-08-25 11:05:54
    —— 引自第25页
  • Good parchment was far too valuable and scarce to be discarded. This value helps to account for the fact that monasteries collected ancient manuscripts in the first place and did not consign them to the rubbish. (查看原文)
    奶盐白桃乌龙 2017-09-13 09:37:36
    —— 引自第15页
  • 我们害怕未来的灾难,害怕陷入持续的痛苦和焦虑之中,因为害怕变得悲惨,我们从来没有停止过这样的生活,总是渴望财富,从来没有给我们的灵魂或身体片刻的 安宁。但那些满足于日常生活的人,把任何一天都当作节日。 (查看原文)
    鲜鱼不咸鱼 2021-01-06 23:53:47
    —— 引自章节:第七章 捕狐陷阱
  • 所有其他的诉求一一服务于国家、神灵或统治者的荣耀,通过自我牺牲对美德的艰苦追求一一是次要的、误导或欺诈性的。 (查看原文)
    鲜鱼不咸鱼 2021-01-07 22:22:03
    —— 引自章节:第八章 事物的存在方式
  • 塞拉皮翁垮台之后,一位异教诗人帕拉达斯(Pallads)表达了他黯然伤神的心情: 我们真的死了吗; 还是只活在表面, 我们希腊人,陷入灾难 生活如梦,既然我们还活着, 而我们的生活方式已然逝去? 毁灭的意义,如帕拉达斯所理解的,不仅仅是一个用于拜的偶像的消失。在这种情况下,这次大破坏是否殃及图书馆尚不清楚。但图书馆、博物馆和学校是脆弱的机构:它们无法在暴力的攻击下长期存留。一种生活方式正在消亡 (查看原文)
    zz 2021-11-16 15:17:20
    —— 引自章节:第四章 时间的利齿