The workers sell in order to buy. Marx describes this as: commodity to money to commodity. The capitalists buy and sell for a profit: money to commodity to money-plus. Thus the capitalists accumulate ...The workers sell in order to buy. Marx describes this as: commodity to money to commodity. The capitalists buy and sell for a profit: money to commodity to money-plus. Thus the capitalists accumulate by consuming the labor power of the workers.(展开)
0 有用 Lloyd 2020-05-12 13:23:07
The workers sell in order to buy. Marx describes this as: commodity to money to commodity. The capitalists buy and sell for a profit: money to commodity to money-plus. Thus the capitalists accumulate ... The workers sell in order to buy. Marx describes this as: commodity to money to commodity. The capitalists buy and sell for a profit: money to commodity to money-plus. Thus the capitalists accumulate by consuming the labor power of the workers. (展开)