The Paris Library 短评

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  • 0 新仙女木 2022-03-25 00:37:23


  • 0 mi55Minnie 2021-12-28 23:51:18


  • 0 grace 2021-11-13 16:13:22


  • 0 Collins 2021-11-19 17:07:34

    Beautifully written and highly recommended. A book about books, library and most importantly, the power of one’s words. Like what Janet in her Author’s Notes says,” Language is a gate that we can open and close on people. The words we use shape perception, as do the books we read, the stories we tell one another, and the stories we tell ourselves.”

  • 0 rosemary 2022-06-02 09:37:56

    Gorged down the book like gorging down that chocolate brioche... It's been ages since the last time I immersed myself in a story. A lucky pick from the airport, pat on my own back.

  • 0 judeyu 2022-11-27 22:27:05 北京

    可读性五星 难度一星 其实是一个很简单的故事 就是一个小小的图书管理员的巴黎围城故事 但是我们在她的眼里看到的却是复杂的人性 忠诚与背叛 抗争与委曲求全 人性的善与恶 都在这短短的四年时间里 体现得淋漓尽致 为了自己犯下的错误 搭上的却是远离故土远走他乡 其实不太喜欢两段故事的叙事方式 如果就是平铺直叙 也一样可以把故事讲得完美 隔离中完成的第二本书

  • 0 潇洒小姐Molly 2022-10-16 21:05:02 澳大利亚

    16/10/2022 倒数第二章的设置还是很巧妙的, 不过我搞不懂Odile怎么能就这样就离开父母,特别是在Rémy已经去世的情况下。

  • 0 zzz 2022-10-20 03:59:52 河南


  • 0 早起的臭臭猫 2024-01-15 22:53:37 广东

    作者很会讲故事,故事线安排得非常丝滑,顺畅的故事讲述中穿插一点悬念,读到最后还有个小彩蛋。读到author‘s note才知道这是基于一个真实的故事,顿时想要回去重读一遍

  • 0 关关难过关关过 2024-01-31 11:58:16 福建


  • 0 別有用心美少女 2021-12-09 11:02:14


  • 0 VICKY HAN 2024-04-26 13:58:41 上海

    I have a mixed feeling about this book. The first 90% of the book is like a stream, stories about an American library in Paris during WW2, more history related, then came the twist of Margaret’s suffering, is like a strong wave blew on my face, more novel related.

  • 0 Miss Read 2021-11-21 12:24:28


  • 1 Myra 2021-10-06 17:55:09

    This is not only a book of historical facts and fiction but of deep-rooted human flaws and fallacies, not only a book of bravety and courage but of weaknesses and cowardice. Reading the hardnesses of the war, the reader may have an illusion that everything will be good when the war is over. No, the war, external and internal, will never be over.

  • 2 🌸暖暖 2021-04-24 20:31:13

    4.5/5 This book worked out so well for me, a story for bravery and how the will to go on. The story is set on dual timelines and mostly focus on the American Library of Paris, which was gravely affected during the wars. The author was able to blend fact and fiction flawlessly, and this is vital for a successful historical fiction.

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