The Books of Jacob 短评

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  • 0 大林煎饼 2022-04-08 11:45:00

    小说属于文学,但这本书给人的感觉是历史。从每个小人物那里借来一点碎布头,拼凑成微观经验领先于宏观叙事的漫长绘卷,呈现了历史本身的冗杂、混乱和反高潮性(“It is difficult to fully appreciate this when you are seeing them from the stage on which they are unfolding.”)。能把历史打磨到这样精细的颗粒度,是巧工。失误在于次要人物的characterization没做好(其实是根本没做),导致读到后面根本分不出来谁是谁。此外,既然都为了Jacob Frank写了这么长的书,还是应该更大胆地接近他,对他的内在进行想象和阐释,读完之后还是有隔靴搔痒感,略有遗憾。

  • 1 Donald 2022-06-20 00:27:37

    A wonder of the age, although persistence was what drove one to finish it. The mid-eighteenth century section immensely atmospheric and proves the value of historical fiction…characters fade into each other at times, but would be too much to expect interiority for such a wide range.

  • 0 阙如 2023-07-30 11:53:03 上海

    If Yente had ever professed any religion, after all the constructions her ancestors and her contemporaries had built up in her mind, her religion now is her faith in the Dead and their unfulfilled, imperfect, miscarried, or aborted efforts at repairing the world.

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