出版社: Celadon Books
副标题: A Survival Guide for Trying Times
出版年: 2021-10-19
页数: 272
定价: USD 28.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781250784094
内容简介 · · · · · ·
In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope?
Looking at the headlines―the worsening climate crisis, a global pandemic, loss of biodiversity, political upheaval―it can be hard to feel optimistic. And yet hope has never been more desperately needed.
In this urgent book, Jane Goodall, the world's most famous living naturalist, and Douglas Abrams, the international...
In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope?
Looking at the headlines―the worsening climate crisis, a global pandemic, loss of biodiversity, political upheaval―it can be hard to feel optimistic. And yet hope has never been more desperately needed.
In this urgent book, Jane Goodall, the world's most famous living naturalist, and Douglas Abrams, the internationally bestselling co-author of The Book of Joy, explore through intimate and thought-provoking dialogue one of the most sought after and least understood elements of human nature: hope. In The Book of Hope, Jane focuses on her "Four Reasons for Hope": The Amazing Human Intellect, The Resilience of Nature, The Power of Young People, and The Indomitable Human Spirit.
Drawing on decades of work that has helped expand our understanding of what it means to be human and what we all need to do to help build a better world, The Book of Hope touches on vital questions, including: How do we stay hopeful when everything seems hopeless? How do we cultivate hope in our children? What is the relationship between hope and action? Filled with moving and inspirational stories and photographs from Jane’s remarkable career, The Book of Hope is a deeply personal conversation with one of the most beloved figures in the world today.
While discussing the experiences that shaped her discoveries and beliefs, Jane tells the story of how she became a messenger of hope, from living through World War II to her years in Gombe to realizing she had to leave the forest to travel the world in her role as an advocate for environmental justice. And for the first time, she shares her profound revelations about her next, and perhaps final, adventure.
The second book in the Global Icons Series―which launched with the instant classic The Book of Joy with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu―The Book of Hope is a rare and intimate look not only at the nature of hope but also into the heart and mind of a woman who revolutionized how we view the world around us and has spent a lifetime fighting for our future.
There is still hope, and this book will help guide us to it.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE is an ethologist and environmentalist. From infancy she was fascinated by animal behavior, and in 1957 at 23 years old, she met the famous paleoanthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey while she was visiting a friend in Kenya. Impressed by her passion for animals, he offered her the chance to be the first person to study chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, in...
Dr. Jane Goodall DBE is an ethologist and environmentalist. From infancy she was fascinated by animal behavior, and in 1957 at 23 years old, she met the famous paleoanthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey while she was visiting a friend in Kenya. Impressed by her passion for animals, he offered her the chance to be the first person to study chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, in the wild. And so three years later Jane travelled from England to what is now Tanzania and, equipped with only a notebook, binoculars and determination to succeed, ventured into the then unknown world of wild chimpanzees.
Jane Goodall’s research at Gombe national park has given us an in-depth understanding of chimpanzee behavior. The research continues, but in 1986, realizing the threat to chimpanzees throughout Africa, Jane travelled to six study sites. She learned first-hand not only about the problems facing chimpanzees, but also about those facing so many Africans living in poverty. She realized that only by helping local communities find ways of making a living without destroying the environment could chimpanzees be saved. Since then Jane has travelled the world raising awareness and learning about the threats we all face today, especially climate change and loss of biodiversity. Author of many books for adults and children and featured in countless documentaries and articles, Jane has reached millions around the world with her lectures, podcasts and writings. She was appointed as a UN Messenger of Peace, is a Dame of the British Empire and has received countless honors from around the world.
Douglas Abrams is the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the first book in the Global Icons Series. Douglas is also the founder and president of Idea Architects, a literary agency and media development company helping visionaries to create a wiser, healthier, and more just world. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.
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这是一本关于希望的对话集,通过这本书我意识到,我们当今的冷漠与麻木,实际上并不是人性堕落,只是我们丢掉了希望,或者说,忘记了自己还有希望的能力。用艾略特的诗来说,我们滑向世界的结局,不是砰的一声,而是一声呜咽。 这本书分成几个部分:对古道尔来说,希望是什么;... (展开)无论如何,人类都应该保持希望
“黑猩猩会使用工具”这一发现震惊了学界,这是传奇自然学家、“希望的使者” 珍·古道尔在坦桑尼亚丛林蹲守了几个月,凭着一腔孤勇走进那片拥有神奇魔力的秘境,带着人类的情感与智慧去亲近和了解在当时世人看来野蛮低级的猿类。 这一重大发现改变了我们对人与动物关系的理解... (展开)> 更多书评 40篇
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0 有用 brolly 2021-10-25 09:41:53
对what is hope部分的感触大于reasons for hope,深刻体会后者需要很强的道德感和社会责任心,which我没有,反而是作者Doug自己的例子更relatable,jane个人的经历和体会虽然感人但人家已经悟了,反而有种仰望的感觉。
0 有用 HAZEL 2021-12-22 12:51:33
0 有用 五月更生 2023-05-17 12:00:23 美国
有声书是 Goodall 和 Abrams 自己读的,因为原书大部分是对话形式,有声书几乎像是采访录音,非常推荐。从内容上说其实有点失望,对话大部分停留在「励志小故事」层面,都靠 Goodall 本人的丰富又传奇的经历在撑。留下比较深刻印象居然是结尾部分关于死后经历的讨论,不知道为什么听Goodall讲讲我也愿意相信人死后还有种存在,可能真的是她表达的力量。
0 有用 小丫么小虾米 2022-07-27 12:52:20
0 有用 FishyBrid 2021-12-20 02:50:56
0 有用 空城 2024-05-08 07:31:12 美国
回顾我的博士时光,有热爱和坚持,也有迷茫和绝望。Madison是我的第二故乡,最难忘的记忆莫过于在memorial union近距离聆听这位我最喜欢的人类讲故事。听她讲了一个小时的故事,一个写在这本书里的故事,一个在全世界巡讲的故事。那一天足够我回味一生。她在非洲融入大猩猩群体的经历触动到了心灵最深处的部分,让我久久思考对学术研究的态度,对环境的态度,对社会生活的态度,以及该以何种态度认识世界。她... 回顾我的博士时光,有热爱和坚持,也有迷茫和绝望。Madison是我的第二故乡,最难忘的记忆莫过于在memorial union近距离聆听这位我最喜欢的人类讲故事。听她讲了一个小时的故事,一个写在这本书里的故事,一个在全世界巡讲的故事。那一天足够我回味一生。她在非洲融入大猩猩群体的经历触动到了心灵最深处的部分,让我久久思考对学术研究的态度,对环境的态度,对社会生活的态度,以及该以何种态度认识世界。她对成功的定义和对当下年轻人的共情教我放下个人的狭隘。最近又从图书馆借来这本书细细品味。 (展开)
0 有用 五月更生 2023-05-17 12:00:23 美国
有声书是 Goodall 和 Abrams 自己读的,因为原书大部分是对话形式,有声书几乎像是采访录音,非常推荐。从内容上说其实有点失望,对话大部分停留在「励志小故事」层面,都靠 Goodall 本人的丰富又传奇的经历在撑。留下比较深刻印象居然是结尾部分关于死后经历的讨论,不知道为什么听Goodall讲讲我也愿意相信人死后还有种存在,可能真的是她表达的力量。
0 有用 光明小卖部🐵 2023-02-27 13:48:42 美国
0 有用 Manifest2me 2023-02-01 02:23:25 美国
Let’s give humanity a fighting chance for hope in this precarious age.
0 有用 日子旁见 2022-12-13 02:28:57 美国
希望是有传染性的,整本书前半部分探讨的人是hope存不存在以及nature resilience这一概念。不得不说,其中对于年轻一代(类似greta的演讲)面对环境问题的愤怒也给出了相应的解答。人生的所有时间发生都是life’s curriculum。有希望,才会有决心和信心把自己和周围的人带到一个更好的世界,希望就是一个生存的技能,a survival trait. 而拥有希望需要的是一个sup... 希望是有传染性的,整本书前半部分探讨的人是hope存不存在以及nature resilience这一概念。不得不说,其中对于年轻一代(类似greta的演讲)面对环境问题的愤怒也给出了相应的解答。人生的所有时间发生都是life’s curriculum。有希望,才会有决心和信心把自己和周围的人带到一个更好的世界,希望就是一个生存的技能,a survival trait. 而拥有希望需要的是一个support network。一直提到的一个indominable spirit。我们应该,终将,也必须为了环境保护和生物多样性做出改变。有时候希望就是你相信它,你就会朝着它努力,希望就会变成现实,反之就不会。 (展开)