
  • 说到底所有的人都处于同样的情况,做学生的时候是唯一幸福的时光,那个时候未来依然向你敞开怀抱,一切似乎皆有可能,后面的成人生活,职业生涯只是缓慢地逐渐地陷入流沙泥潭,这可能也是为什么年轻时代的友谊,大学时代建立的友谊,实际上是我们唯一真正的友谊,这种友谊却永远也不会在进入成人生活之后还继续存在,大家都避免再见到年轻时代的朋友,以免直面我们落空的希望的见证人,直面我们被碾压的事实。 (查看原文)
    Oscaratolí 10赞 2022-07-28 11:29:38
  • 其實上帝是照看着我們的,時時刻刻想着我們,有時還會請楚指引我們方向。那些滿溢在胸口,簡直讓我們喘不過氣的愛,那些領悟,那些狂喜,那些以我們只是簡單的靈長目生物本質來看無法理解的東西,其實就是再清楚不過的跡象。 今日我明白了耶穌的看法,以及他一次次面對人類鐵石心腸所引起的憤慨:他們對擁有的所有跡象竟然都不去注意,我難道還需要對這些廢物付出生命嗎?真的有必要明示到這種程度嗎? 似乎是這樣。 (查看原文)
    Etherea7 3赞 2021-09-08 09:20:53
    —— 引自第281页
  • 人永遠不會聽別人的勸告,當他們徵詢忠告時,目的恰恰是不會遵循忠告,而是想要一個外在聲音驗證自己是對的,他們陷入一個麻痹、死亡的漩渦,別人給的忠告正好當作悲劇的背景合唱,證實悲劇英雄走的是一條毀滅而混亂的道路。 (查看原文)
    Etherea7 3赞 2021-09-08 09:20:53
    —— 引自第207页
  • 我把自己的绝望保持在一个可以接受的水平,你可以一边绝望一边生活,事实上大多数人都这样生活,他们时不时还是会问自己是否有可能出现一线希望,在做出否定的回答之前,至少他们问了自己这个问题。然后,他们一直坚持着,这可是一幅感人的景象。 (查看原文)
    隐川 3赞 2022-11-26 11:49:38
    —— 引自第227页
  • Men in general don’t know how to live: they have no true familiarity with life, and never feel entirely at ease in it, so they pursue different projects, more or less ambitious and more or less grandiose--- generally speaking, of course, they fail and reach the conclusion that they would have been better off just living, but as a rule by that point it’s too late. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 1赞 2020-01-09 12:03:37
    —— 引自第148页
  • 但说实在话,对此我是没有责任的,我受上帝支配,但我只是,确实只是,我从来就只是一个没有定见的懦夫。如今,我已经四十六岁了,我一直就没有能力把控自己的人生。总而言之,我人生的下半场,似乎非常有可能会跟我人生的上半场一样,只会经历一段颓丧而又痛苦的土崩瓦解。 (查看原文)
    喋喋不休小老头 1赞 2022-10-13 22:58:29
    —— 引自第6页
  • At this stage it might be necessary to provide some clarification about love, intended more for women as women have difficulty understanding what love is for men, and they constantly disconcerted by their attitudes and behavior, and sometimes reach the erroneous conclusion that men are incapable of love; they rarely perceive that the very word 'love' signifies two radically different realities for men and for women. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 10:45:30
    —— 引自章节:None
  • Sometimes, however rarely, among the most sensitive and imaginative men, love arrives in the first moment, therefore love at first sight is absolutely not a myth; but rather when a man, by a prodigious psychological movement of anticipation, has already imagined all the pleasures which this woman could provide over the years( and, as they say, until death does them apart), so the man has already( always already, as Heidegger would have said on one of his good days) anticipated the glorious ending; and it was that infinity, that glorious infinity of shares pleasures, that I had glimpsed in... (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 10:45:30
    —— 引自第59页
  • For women, love is power: a generative, tectonic power; love when it manifests itself in women is one the most imposing nature phenomena and it should be treated with awe; it is a creative power of the same order as an earthquake or a climatic disturbance, its origin lies in a different ecosystem, women create a new world; small isolated creatures were bobbing about in an uncertain existence and here comes a women to create a conditions for life as a couple, a new social, sentimental and genetic entity whose vocation is quite simply to eliminate all traces of the pre-existing individuals of which it is formed; this new entity is already essentially perfect, as Plato had perceived. It may sometimes becomes more complex with a family but that is almost a detail, contrary to what Schopenhaue... (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 10:45:30
    —— 引自第58页
  • Men are initially reserved, they admire and respect this emotional release without fully understanding it; it seems quite strange to them to make a fuss about it. But gradually they are transformed, they are slowly sucked into the vortex of passion and pleasure that a women creates: more precisely, they recognize her will, her pure and unconditional will, and they understand that that will is in essence absolutely good, even though she requires frequent and preferably daily vaginal penetration as the normal condition of its manifestation, in which the phallus, the core of the men's being, alters it status by becoming the condition under which the manifestation of love is made possible ---men having hardly any other means of showing it ---and by this strange detour the happiness of the phal... (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 10:45:30
    —— 引自第59页
  • Our student years are the only happy ones, when the future seems open, when everything seems possible, and after that adulthood and a career are only a slow and progressive process of ending up in a nut. That’s probably also why the friendships of our youth, the ones we make during our time as students and which are our only true friendships, never survive into adulthood: we avoid seeing them so as not to be confronted by witness to our crushed hopes, the evidence of our defeat. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:02:59
    —— 引自第127页
  • The outside world was harsh, merciless towards the weak, and hardly ever kept its promises, and love remained the only thing in which one could still, perhaps, have faith. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:04:05
    —— 引自第156页
  • You really can’t do anything about people’s lives, I said to myself, neither friendship nor compassion nor the intelligence of situations is of any use: people manufacture the mechanism of their own misfortune, they wind it right up and the mechanism goes on turning, ineluctably, with the odd mistake, a few errors when there’s sickness in the mix but it goes on turning to the end, to the final second. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:04:22
    —— 引自第194页
  • I will be wrongly reproached perhaps for granting too much importance to sex. Sex remains the only moment of one’s life where one personally and directly engages his organs, so the passage through sex and intense sex, remains a necessary passage in order for the love affair to happen, nothing can take place without it. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:04:49
    —— 引自第73页
  • You can live and be despairing—most people live like that in fact, although sometimes they wonder whether they can allow themselves a whiff of hope; well at least they ask themselves the question before answering in the negative. And yet they persist, and it’s a touching sight. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:05:26
    —— 引自第206页
  • People never listen to the advice you give them, and when they ask for advice it’s specifically with a view to not following it, and have it confirmed by an external voice that they are stuck in a spiral of annihilation and death; the advice one gives them plays exactly the same role for them as that of the tragic choir, confirming to the hero that he has taken the path of destruction and chaos. (查看原文)
    neoclassician 2020-01-09 12:05:45
    —— 引自第221页
  • Chez la femme l'amour est une puissance, une puissance génératrice, tectonique, l'amour quand il se manifeste chez la femme est un des phénomènes naturels les plus imposants dont la nature puisse nous offrir le spectacle, il est à considérer avec crainte, c'est une puissance créatrice du même ordre qu'un tremblement de terre ou un bouleversement climatique, il est à l'organe d'un autre écosystème, d'un autre environnement, d'un autre univers, par son amour la femme crée un monde nouveau, de petites êtres isolés barbotaient dans une existence incertain et voici que la femme crée les conditions d'existence d'un couple, d'une entité sociale, sentimentale et génétique nouvelle, dont la vocation est bel et bien d'éliminer toute trace des individus préexistants, cette nouvelle entité est déjà pa... (查看原文)
    verbond 2020-04-15 00:50:31
    —— 引自第70页
  • Après ce mini gang-bang canin, j'interrompis mon visionnage, j'étais écœuré mais surtout pour les chiens, en même temps je ne pouvais pas me dissimuler que pour une Japonaise (d'après tout ce que j'avais pu observer de la mentalité de ce peuple), coucher avec un Occidental, c'est déjà presque copuler avec un chien. (查看原文)
    El Guaje 2020-10-30 00:38:10
    —— 引自第54页
  • ...j'entamai la visite des tours qui s'étendent entre la Porte Choisy et la Porte d'Ivry. Je devais rechercher la vide, le blanc et le nu ; l'environnement correspondait presque idéalement à cette quête, habiter dans une de ces tours c'était habiter nulle part, disons dans le voisinage immédiat de nulle part. (查看原文)
    El Guaje 2020-10-30 00:47:09
    —— 引自第330页
  • 這是一顆橢圓形、可對半剖開的白色小藥丸。 它不會創造,也不會轉變什麼,它的作用只是詮釋。它會把已成定論的變成過度,把已經是無法阻止的將之淡化。它對生命提供一種新的詮釋,沒那麼豐富、比較表面、帶著某種程度的僵化。它不會帶來任何快樂,甚至不會真正舒緩,它的作用是另一個層面,把生命變成一連串的流程,它能讓人自欺欺人。因而,它幫助人在一段時間之內能活下去,或至少不死掉。 (查看原文)
    豆人球 ●nly 2021-04-24 01:08:57
    —— 引自第280页
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