斯拉沃热·齐泽克(SlavojŽižek),1949年出生,斯洛文尼亚哲学家、文化批评家,拉康派精神分析继承者,卢布尔雅那大学高级研究员。20世纪90年代以降,齐泽克凭借对拉康及黑格尔的重新解读席卷西方学术界,以一己之力单挑以福柯、德里达、德勒兹等人为代表的后现代主义。现国内有近三十种其译著出版,近期著作有《全球大流行2:逝去时光的编年史》(Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost)、《敢于说出其名字的左翼:34个不合时宜的介入》(A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name: 34 Untimely Interventions)等。
斯拉沃热·齐泽克(SlavojŽižek),1949年出生,斯洛文尼亚哲学家、文化批评家,拉康派精神分析继承者,卢布尔雅那大学高级研究员。20世纪90年代以降,齐泽克凭借对拉康及黑格尔的重新解读席卷西方学术界,以一己之力单挑以福柯、德里达、德勒兹等人为代表的后现代主义。现国内有近三十种其译著出版,近期著作有《全球大流行2:逝去时光的编年史》(Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost)、《敢于说出其名字的左翼:34个不合时宜的介入》(A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name: 34 Untimely Interventions)等。
[M]elancholy (disappointment with all positive empirical objects, none of which can satisfy our desire) is the beginning of philosophy. A person who, all his life, has been used to living in a certain city and is finally compelled to move elsewhere is of course saddened by the prospect of being thrown into a new environment - but what is it that makes him sad? It is not the prospect of leaving the place that was for years his home, but the much more subtle fear of losing his attachment to this place. What makes me sad is my creeping awareness that, sooner or later - sooner than I am ready to admit - I will integrate myself into a new community, forgetting and forgotten by the place that now means so much to me. In short, what makes me sad is the awareness that I will lose my desire for (wh... (查看原文)
human speech, never merely transmits a message it always also self-reflectively asserts the basic symbolic pact between the communicating subjects. 【12】 (查看原文)
2 有用 21米深蓝 2022-10-23 19:36:31 辽宁
1 有用 迪云 2022-11-05 22:16:42 贵州
2006年的书,还是讨论真实界与穿越幻象的问题。第一章讲了一点"空符号"、第二章从虚假的主动性具有的这两个特点预定论(Predestination)与形象的置换(displacement )引出了大他者符号性的面具也就接着第三章发出歇斯底里症的疑问“我是谁?我到底想要什么?”期望被假定知道的主体向他/她提供一个化解歇斯底里僵局的方案。希望大他者能给与答案。然后就来到了第四章真实界的小客体a,第五章... 2006年的书,还是讨论真实界与穿越幻象的问题。第一章讲了一点"空符号"、第二章从虚假的主动性具有的这两个特点预定论(Predestination)与形象的置换(displacement )引出了大他者符号性的面具也就接着第三章发出歇斯底里症的疑问“我是谁?我到底想要什么?”期望被假定知道的主体向他/她提供一个化解歇斯底里僵局的方案。希望大他者能给与答案。然后就来到了第四章真实界的小客体a,第五章就相当于在讲拉康的伦理学了,第六对于当下的“享乐律令"做了一些辩证法的演绎、第七章这部分很精彩——模仿(Mimicy)不是模拟(imitate)我想与之融为一体对的那个影像,而是模仿影像的某些特征,这些特征暗示在背后存在某些被隐藏的现实。 (展开)
3 有用 Lexi 2022-10-19 01:03:33 上海
7 有用 maybe 2022-11-26 02:29:17 广东
1 有用 弥彦山 2022-12-04 17:31:27 辽宁