双面人生的书评 (5)

2020-02-29 09:01:00 Hamish Hamilton2014版

How to be both

我们是否可以同时是女人也是男人,同时是现在也是过去? 在How to be both这本小说中,Ali Smith为我们讲述了这样一种可能性。 小说分为两个部分:Camera和Eye Camera讲述了21世纪伦敦,一个16岁,有着男性名字的女孩George。在她的非常嬉皮士的母亲去世后,她如何走出悲痛的故...  (展开)
拉维克 2015-10-21 23:27:33 Hamish Hamilton2014版

an eye is a bud

i never enjoyed ali smith's style, her sentences, simple, short, some might consider it poetic, but i thought her smug. however this time something occured and the opinion changed. it happened when i was in a subway, it's around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, ...  (展开)
夭夭 2022-02-02 13:50:33 Hamish Hamilton2014版


Another Ali Smith. 是很好进入但不好理解的小说,读了两遍才明白了几处twist,不仅是大的结构上现代伦敦monitoring (minotaur)camera和文艺复兴时期意大利eyes on the wall壁画的twist,还有George和小伙伴H的故事与母亲和Lisa的故事里同样都有的seeing and being seen的元...  (展开)
秉烛游 2017-06-18 14:44:51 Anchor2015版

Playful And Serious? 'How To Be' Is Both by Heller McAlpin

Playful And Serious? 'How To Be' Is Both December 6, 20146:28 AM ET Heller McAlpin Can a book be both linguistically playful and dead serious? Structurally innovative and reader-friendly? Mournful and joyful? Brainy and moving? Ali Smith's How To Be ...  (展开)
有一些书评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
浙江文艺出版社 2024-05-30 15:19:28


英国当今最具实力的作家之一阿莉·史密斯的小说近期由浙江文艺出版社推出。阿莉·史密斯是诺贝尔文学奖热门人选,多次入围布克奖,被认为是“当代的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫”。她近年来的代表作《季节四部曲》中文版在去年面世,获得了读者的青睐。 《双面人生》是阿莉·史密斯2014年...  (展开)
