Prince Harry Spare的书评 (6)

落落秋 2023-03-30 03:54:38



1, 英国王子哈里的自传。带着一颗八卦的心翻开,读罢一声叹息。 这本书2023年一月上架,人气很旺,在英国首日即销售四十万册,美加等国首日超过一百四十万册,甚至打破了有史以来销量最快的非小说类书籍的吉尼斯世界纪录。 哈里和梅根的纪录片也在奈飞的热播榜上,夫妻俩还接...  (展开)
愿梦想成真 2023-02-13 10:52:33

A PR Catastrophe


A book even the Pulitzer winning (ghost) writer cannot salvage. Before reading the book, I had a vaguely negative feeling towards Prince Harry and hundreds of Chapters in, I think I look down on him. This book should be renamed as "A Manboy's War with the P...  (展开)
一只卿洼 2023-02-12 19:56:09

After all, he’s just a human being.


在audible上听了,听了真的就觉得,这人蛮可怜的(不是贬义)。抛去他的皇室光环,总觉得就是个原生家庭有问题的人。 从小失去妈妈,爸爸娶了一直以来的情妇。从小就知道自己“备胎”的身份。 可能人们对他最大的意见就是:他可是王子啊!他怎么能浪费纳税人的钱干出这么多傻缺...  (展开)
タンポポ 2023-02-09 02:54:34

A brief comment

His writing is below average, lack of coherence. He confessed frequently about his inaccurate memories. He wanted sympathy but failed by his aloof manners between lines. Being picky and strict to others while auto-piloting to himself. Let American entertai...  (展开)
屁屁 2023-05-19 14:59:39

Worth a read

On the news yesterday, Harry and Meghan were reported being in a car chase by the paparazzis. It immediately triggers me to think about this not yet finished biography from him. In the first part, though many readers called him a whinny baby, Princess Diana...  (展开)
屠夫 2023-06-26 12:52:05



欲语还休,不痛不痒… 当初听说哈里王子要写自己的传记,第一反应是,他还这么年轻,第二反应是,他可以写多少八卦呢,第三反应是,不知道书贵不贵… 然后千呼万唤的,《备胎》出来了,自己第一时间拿到手就阅读了起来,如果你认定这是一个普普通通的心性敏感的年轻人,那么可...  (展开)

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