
  • 我是怀着怎样忐忑的心情登上了船啊!当你晕船晕得东倒西歪的时候,新婚燕尔的丈夫在一旁关切地注视着你,偏偏他又是个将航海视为乐趣的人,想想都觉得可怕! 他精通法语,所以在巴黎他负责讨价还价,不过等到了意大利就换成了我,我的意大利语说得比他好。但是,仅仅过了几天之后,他再准备讨价还价的时候,就不再带着我了,因为他说我不在旁边他能做得更好,这个男人无论说什么我都会接受并且深信不疑。他凭借自己那点儿可怜的意大利语,大部分来自他在学校里学习的拉丁语,居然也能怡然自得。 (查看原文)
    那谁 1赞 2023-10-24 15:13:55
    —— 引自章节:第四章婚姻之初……055
  • 所有的人都有缺点,所有的人都有欲望、诱惑和压力。在一起生活多年的男女,会清楚彼此的缺点;但他们也会知道对方和自己身上有什么是值得尊重和钦佩的。如果到了一个人生命的终点,可以说:“这个人不曾滥用上帝赋予他的权力,他值得爱戴和尊敬,值得许多人赴汤蹈火、牺牲生命,为了完成他视作自身使命的任务。”那么他便生有所值,死而无憾。 (查看原文)
    那谁 1赞 2023-10-25 15:08:56
    —— 引自章节:299……第二十七章最后的时光: 1944—1945年
  • 尽管如此,当看到这座城市,看到那些被爆炸和大火彻底摧毁的地方,听到那些死伤者的惨况时,人们都不可能做到无动于衷,我的心中更是充满了深深的悲哀。看到孤儿们在家园中得到照顾,我衷心地希望人们能够从中得到领悟——我们对如何毁灭已经知道得太多,我们必须要学习如何阻止这样的毁灭。 想到广岛的命运,我只能说:“愿上帝在未来赐予人类更大的智慧。” (查看原文)
    那谁 1赞 2023-10-25 21:40:31
    —— 引自章节:第三十三章海外之旅……366
  • 当然,几个世纪形成的风俗习惯并不是一夜间就能被抹去的,但我认为人们的思想正在发生巨大的变化。 (查看原文)
    那谁 1赞 2023-10-25 22:21:21
    —— 引自章节:第三十六章巴厘岛和摩洛哥……405
  • 也许年长的一代人常常给年轻人谨慎的劝告:“找一份能给你带来安全感的工作,而不是去冒险。”不过我要对年轻人说的是:“要永远把生活当作一场冒险。除非你满怀勇气、充满激情、富有想象地面对生活,除非你愿意选择挑战而不是一个饭碗,否则你就不会有安全感。” (查看原文)
    那谁 1赞 2023-10-26 22:44:57
    —— 引自章节:第四十章美国梦……444
  • The great problem seems to be that while people may be able to fight successfully for freedom, they may not yet be prepared to set up a stable and functioning independent government. The French pulled out but the Moroccans had no one to replace them. They were totally unprepared for self government, they were in fact much worse off than they had been a year before. Today, this is happening in a more drastic form in the Congo with the withdrawal of the Belgians. The time for colonization has perhaps gone forever, but some intermediate transition system is essential if chaos is not to follow. A recent Afro Asian resolution in the UN reveals the difficulty of the position by these words, inadequacy of political, economic, social or cultural preparedness, shall not serve as a pretext for denyi... (查看原文)
    AnotherAndrea 2022-01-25 12:33:09
    —— 引自章节:None
  • Perhaps our best hope is that the Japanese as well as ourselves one piece above all, this was impressed upon me strongly at the tragic city of Hiroshima. To arrive in Hiroshima is an emotional experience. Here is where the first atom bomb ever to be dropped on human beings was actually used. But people of the United States believe that our leaders thought long and carefully before they use this dread weapon. We know that they thought first of the welfare of our own people that they believe the ball might end the war quickly with less loss of life everywhere than if it had not been dropped. In spite of this conviction, one cannot see a city and to be shown the area that was destroyed by blasted fire and be told of the people who died or were injured without deep sadness. To see the whole we... (查看原文)
    AnotherAndrea 2022-01-25 12:33:45
    —— 引自章节:None