Reva often spoke about “settling down.” That sounded like death to me. “I’d rather be alone than anybody’s live-in prostitute,” I said to Reva.
And when I was awake, I wasn’t fully so, but in a kind of murk, a dim state between the real and the dream.
I resented her for that, but she seemed immune to guilt and shame.
Only the coffee made my heart work a bit harder. Caffeine was my exercise. It catalyzed my anxiety so that I could crash and sleep again.
You and me, just filling the space with nothingness.
I suppose a part of me wished that when I put my key in the door, it would magically open into a different apartment, a different life, a place so bright with joy and excitement that I’d be temporarily blinded when I first saw it.
Reva mistook my sigh of frustration for an expulsion of b... (查看原文)
Orphans usually suffer from low immunity, psychiatrically speaking. You may consider getting a pet to build up your relational skills. Parrots, I hear, are non judgemental. (查看原文)
1. 从费城回Providence,坐火车五个小时,刚好可以读完了My Year of Rest and Relaxation: 正是2000年,不具名的女主角年轻、美丽、富有、哥大毕业,然而她决定要休眠一年。读完有一点想到 Taipei :都关于alienation,都trippy而冷淡、几乎不带情绪,像是磕high了看到的世界与...
It's a 2018 published book that set the story in 2000 foretold how life would be in 2020. It's easy to draw parallels between my life stuck in the pandemic and hers since we had so little exterior life. I had a catharsis moment when reading the protagonist ...
I spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling that year, trying to cancel out thoughts about death with thoughts about nothingness. 这是读的第三本Ottessa Moshfegh的小说,有点失望。之前的两本都很喜欢,尤其喜欢短篇小说集 Homesick for Another World ,敏感又有点...
My Year of Rest and Relaxation 看似讲述的是一个极端的逃避计划——一个年轻女人决定用一年时间沉睡,试图通过药物麻痹自己,彻底与现实世界断开连接。但读到最后,你会发现这并不是一本关于“放松”的书,而是一种冷漠、疏离、厌世感堆积到极致后,所产生的某种诡异实验。 ...
20 有用 Vega 2024-11-24 12:59:15 辽宁
26 有用 闻夕felicity 2024-11-24 09:39:40 江苏
女主是父母双亡保受创伤但也继承了巨额财产可以在上西区躺平的哥大艺术史专业毕业生因为无爱的父母和艺术圈以艺术为名的邪恶而出现严重的睡眠和情绪障碍,好朋友是拼命fake it想努力爬上社会阶梯make it的长岛犹太裔;故事里的每个人都在自己的痛苦里溺水,人和人之间没有真正的连接、只有短暂的相互工具人/止痛片式使用。借用宇野常宽的分析,几乎可以说是“社会的宏大叙述”崩溃之后的年轻人young adul... 女主是父母双亡保受创伤但也继承了巨额财产可以在上西区躺平的哥大艺术史专业毕业生因为无爱的父母和艺术圈以艺术为名的邪恶而出现严重的睡眠和情绪障碍,好朋友是拼命fake it想努力爬上社会阶梯make it的长岛犹太裔;故事里的每个人都在自己的痛苦里溺水,人和人之间没有真正的连接、只有短暂的相互工具人/止痛片式使用。借用宇野常宽的分析,几乎可以说是“社会的宏大叙述”崩溃之后的年轻人young adults小世相:有人放弃宏大叙述选择睡眠所代表的逃避和虚无(碇真嗣式拒绝与逃避主义),也有人制造自己的小宏大叙述取代崩溃的宏大叙述继续爬社会阶梯,有人成为半夜11点也接电话的黄页上的卖药心理治疗师,也有人成为混迹于各种女人之间满足自己欲望的快餐男。几乎可以说是丧失快乐树版《老友记》。 (展开)
1 有用 摩西摩西 2024-12-26 20:28:13 浙江
7 有用 山今二 2024-11-21 17:05:40 上海
1 有用 四火火火火 2024-12-13 16:28:32 山东