Millennial expat couple Anna and Tom are living the dream in Berlin, in a bright, affordable, plant-filled apartment. Their life as young digital creatives revolves around slow cooking, Danish furniture, sexual experimentation and the city’s twenty-four-hour party scene – an ideal existence shared by an entire generation and tantalizingly lived out on social media. But beyond the images, dissatisfaction and ennui burgeon. Work becomes repetitive. Friends move back home, have children, grow up. Frustrated that their progressive politics amount to little more in practice than boycotting Uber, tipping in cash, or never eating tuna, Anna and Tom make a fruitless attempt at political activism. Feeling increasingly trapped in their picture-perfect life, the couple takes ever more radical steps in the pursuit of an authenticity and a sense of purpose perennially beyond their grasp. Superbly translated by Sophie Hughes, Vincenzo Latronico’s Perfection is a taut, spare sociological novel about the emptiness of contemporary existence, scathing and brilliantly affecting.
0 有用 申不变 2025-03-10 00:28:51 奥地利
给五星是因为好久没有读到这么resonate的书,某种意义上读书像在照镜子。那种当代人所向往的生活的模板, freedom, abundance of Berlin, 艺术,画廊,不眠的party,progressive politics, never-ending exploration… 但其中光鲜背后的squalor,网络时代的mass-produced influence,和 - 最重要的... 给五星是因为好久没有读到这么resonate的书,某种意义上读书像在照镜子。那种当代人所向往的生活的模板, freedom, abundance of Berlin, 艺术,画廊,不眠的party,progressive politics, never-ending exploration… 但其中光鲜背后的squalor,网络时代的mass-produced influence,和 - 最重要的 - 最后无可避免的ennui和disenchantment,都难免让人有种梦想泡沫被戳破的失落和刺痛。 (展开)