Translation and Subjectivity的书评 (2)

狸貓柯尔尼科夫 2022-04-16 16:20:20



如果用乔治·斯坦纳讲语际翻译与语内翻译来分类,酒井直树开门见山就说了,他针对的是英语-日语读者和研究者遭遇的翻译与主体性问题,考察异语性(heterolinguality)问题。如果说我们在课上读了那么多讨论诸如翻译是什么等本质问题的翻译学理论,依然不知道如何在具体文本研究...  (展开)
耕石 2012-11-21 14:21:47

can "resistance" save "us"?

In his article "Modernity and its Critique", Naoki Sakai, from the perspective of a Japanese and Asian historian, refutes the binary understanding of Modernity in historiography dealing with the modern history of Japan and reflects on the "modernist" unders...  (展开)

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