ActiveMQ in Action的笔记(6)

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  • 流云 (流水落花春去也,天上人间)

    讲述两个例子:topic and queue 设计amq的两个不同domain 消息的persistent影响的是broket失败后还在不在 durable影响的是suber订阅后不在时,broker是否给它保留消息

    2019-08-16 21:14:55

  • stephansun (认真你就输了...)

    Using the request/reply pattern, envision that there are thousands of requests entering the broker every second from many clients, all distributed across many hosts. In a production system, more than just a single broker instance would be used for the purposes of redundancy, failover, and load balancing. These brokers would also be distributed across many hosts. The only way to handle this many...

    2011-10-29 00:04:56

  • stephansun (认真你就输了...)

    7.3 Implementing request/reply with JMS As described in earlier chapters, messaging is all about the decoupling of senders from receivers. Messages are sent by one process to a broker, and messages are received from a broker by a different process in an asynchronous manner. One style of system architecture that can be implemented using JMS is known as request/reply. From a high level, a request...

    2011-10-28 23:54:01

  • stephansun (认真你就输了...)

    Request/reply messaging in JMS applications Although the JMS spec doesn’t define request/reply messaging as a formal messaging domain, it does provide some message headers and a couple of convenience classes for handling basic request/reply messaging. Request/reply messaging is an asynchronous back-and-forth conversational pattern utilizing either the PTP domain or the pub/sub domain through a...

    2011-10-28 23:51:17

  • stephansun (认真你就输了...)

    Message-oriented middleware (MOM) is best described as a category of software for communication in an asynchronous, loosely-coupled, reliable, scalable, and secure manner among distributed applications or systems. MOMs were an important concept in the distributed computing world. They allowed application-to-application communication using APIs provided by each vendor, and began to deal with man...

    2011-10-28 23:48:40

  • stephansun (认真你就输了...)

    The purpose of enterprise messaging was to transfer data among disparate systems by sending messages from one system to another. There have been numerous technologies for various forms of messaging through the years, including the following list: ·Solutions for remote procedure calls (RPC) such as COM, CORBA, DCE, and EJB ·Solutions for event notification, inter-process communication, and mes...

    2011-10-28 23:42:21



ActiveMQ in Action

>ActiveMQ in Action