via neo. if you have more brains than money, you could do inbound marketing. at first you need to unlearn those tactics you learned in traditional marketing at b school
作者: Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah 副标题: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs (The New Rules of Social Media) isbn: 0470499311 书名: Inbound Marketing 页数: 226 定价: USD 24.95 出版社: Wiley 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2009-10-19
1 有用 Ying 2013-01-05 11:35:11
via neo. if you have more brains than money, you could do inbound marketing. at first you need to unlearn those tactics you learned in traditional marketing at b school
0 有用 韩盼 2022-03-14 00:20:32
Pretty useful for new marketers, especially for startups. For me I think i got a better way to think market more systemically and metrology.
0 有用 geeeee 2013-10-05 15:06:34
0 有用 lord5180 2021-02-15 23:00:56
0 有用 赞格威尔 2015-11-13 14:07:57