.NET探秘的书评 (3)

涅瓦纳 2011-07-30 13:17:07 Apress2006版

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assember drills down into the internal structures and operations of the .NET common language runtime and teaches you how to master the IL assembly language, ILAsm. (The rule of thumb is that if the runtime can do it, ILAsm must be able to...  (展开)
阿拉丁 2010-08-09 18:03:08


翻译的不好,有的地方言语不达,有的地方句子还保持英文的句式。 就不举例了。 感觉有点赶任务的做法,比较匆忙,没有精雕细琢。  (展开)
小寒 2010-05-13 23:46:50


经常博客园上 看译者的文章。从不怀疑译者的技术水平。但是翻译的确实错误不少。 别的错误地方就记不得了。正在看第八章签名: 下面据三个明显的错误地方 141页,IMAGE_CEE_UNMANAGED_CALLCONV_C (0x1). C/C++-style calling convention. The call stack is cleaned up by the ...  (展开)
