What the Dog Saw的书评 (4)

D.B 2010-02-08 10:11:17


这将是我买Malcolm Gladwell的最后一本书。 我曾经是他的铁杆读者,从他的Tipping Point, Blink, The Power of Thinking without Thinking, 到Outlier,我一本书也没有漏掉过。从最开始对他独到的见地感叹,到慢慢有点厌倦,到这本书彻底的失望。 外国人有个习惯(本来想说“...  (展开)
newlight 2009-11-05 02:05:58


英国新书介绍 #21 (2009年11月2日) What the Dog Saw 本书作者Malcolm Gladwell 近几年已经出版了好几本畅销书 The Tipping Point、Blink、Outliers 等,他还为美国《纽约客》杂志写作,这本新书 What the Dog Saw 是他在《纽约客》上文章的自选集。 因为是杂志文章合集,各...  (展开)
sofar 2011-07-30 18:02:44


What do Yao Jiaxin and bullet train have in common? Both of them kill. Both of them ruin others’ families. Both of them reflect our government’s inability to take care of people’s hurt feelings, especially the broken hearts of the victims’ families, ...  (展开)
sofar 2011-01-25 11:29:58

Ancient Chinese Philosopher taking on the Talent Myth

By Han Fei Bo Le had falcon eyes for horses. Man whom Bo Le respected not, taught he him the detecting of steeds, which were nonetheless as fresh as charged by lightning, having endured races and rushes thousands of miles. Man unto whom Bo Le had respect...  (展开)

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