出版社: Broadway Books
副标题: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of How John Paulson Defied Wall Street and Made Financial History
出版年: 2009-11-3
页数: 304
定价: USD 26.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385529914
内容简介 · · · · · ·
In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something few others suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprime mortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, and he knew little about real estate or how to wager against housing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street. B...
In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something few others suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprime mortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, and he knew little about real estate or how to wager against housing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street. But Paulson was convinced this was his chance to make his mark. He just wasn't sure how to do it. Colleagues at investment banks scoffed at him and investors dismissed him. Even pros skeptical about housing shied away from the complicated derivative investments that Paulson was just learning about. But Paulson and a handful of renegade investors such as Jeffrey Greene and Michael Burry began to bet heavily against risky mortgages and precarious financial companies. Timing is everything, though. Initially, Paulson and the others lost tens of millions of dollars as real estate and stocks continued to soar. Rather than back down, however, Paulson redoubled his bets, putting his hedge fund and his reputation on the line.
In the summer of 2007, the markets began to implode, bringing Paulson early profits, but also sparking efforts to rescue real estate and derail him. By year's end, though, John Paulson had pulled off the greatest trade in financial history, earning more than $15 billion for his firm--a figure that dwarfed George Soros's billion-dollar currency trade in 1992. Paulson made billions more in 2008 by transforming his gutsy move. Some of the underdog investors who attempted the daring trade also reaped fortunes. But others who got the timing wrong met devastating failure, discovering that being early and right wasn't nearly enough.
Written by the prizewinning reporter who broke the story in The Wall Street Journal , The Greatest Trade Ever is a superbly written, fast-paced, behind-the-scenes narrative of how a contrarian foresaw an escalating financial crisis--that outwitted Chuck Prince, Stanley O'Neal, Richard Fuld, and Wall Street's titans--to make financial history.
The Greatest Trade Ever的创作者
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格里高利·祖克曼 作者
作者简介 · · · · · ·
格里高利·祖克曼(Gregory Zuckerman)
《华尔街日报》资深专栏作家,曾在该报任记者12年,为著名的“Heard on the Street”专栏写作对冲基金,投资等方面的文章。每周两次出席消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)节目,对复杂的交易技术及金融市场进行探讨和分析。因报道“世通倒闭”及“美国对冲基金公司巨头Amaranth Advisors亏损”事件,两次获得费拉尔德·勒伯奖及其他奖励。目前,他跟妻子及两个儿子住在美国新泽西州西奥兰治市。
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本来想仔细讲一下的,但是发现延展开要讲的东西还蛮多,看我后续有没有心情补充吧。现在就单纯把我presentation准备的内容搬运一下。 presentation的内容很简单,我的思路主要从(矛盾观点的出现——事实证据的发现解决矛盾——找到用事实赚钱的方法)三步来解释这笔史上最伟大... (展开)

> 更多书评 44篇
这本书的其他版本 · · · · · · ( 全部8 )
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中国人民大学出版社 (2010)8.1分 654人读过
Viking (2010)暂无评分 5人读过
Viking (2010)暂无评分 1人读过
以下书单推荐 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
- 金融危机 (浪子回头)
- 华尔街(历史) (IVAN)
- 罗文全(Andrew Lo)JEL金融危机书评 (Cambridge)
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0 有用 youlavie 2022-12-13 10:16:09 美国
1 有用 茄酒大胃王 2013-01-18 06:41:14
荡气回肠。1. 要发现fundamental的问题,并且要找到方法利用大潮流,需要智慧和洞察力 2. 要成功的跑到终点线,需要隐忍,需要毅力,需要忍受怀疑和讽刺,这需要对自己智慧的自信和坚韧的精神。
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Covid read
0 有用 AnonymousAriel 2022-03-19 21:54:50
2 有用 warton 2012-07-20 15:25:07