
  • 本章用实证研究结果来支持上述观点,即资本回报率、增长率和自有现金流决定了资本市场中的价值:1、较高回报和较高增长率的公司在股票市场上有较高的价值;2、对股票估值而言,市场主要关注长期而不是短期的经济基本面;3、股票市场完全有能力洞察会计信息背后的经济基本面;4、股票市场的市值能够正确反映背后的经济基本面;5、整个市场的价格偏离是短暂的 (查看原文)
    典典 9赞 2016-01-12 16:37:06
    —— 引自章节:第四章股票市场是否真的由基本面决定
  • 未达到短期每股收益目标本身并不会导致股价下跌。但是,许多情况下,投资者只能用短期数据来估测公司长期绩效。在这种情况下,他们会把最近的每股收益表现看做长期绩效下滑或管理层失去市场信任的象征,这样未达到目标就会降低公司的股价 (查看原文)
    典典 9赞 2016-01-12 16:37:06
    —— 引自章节:第四章股票市场是否真的由基本面决定
  • 市场在下列三种情况下不能反映经济基本面:1、非理性的投资者行为;2、不同投资者出现系统性行为模式;3、金融市场套利的限制性因素 (查看原文)
    典典 9赞 2016-01-12 16:37:06
    —— 引自章节:第四章股票市场是否真的由基本面决定
  • A company’s value stems from its ability to earn a healthy return on invested capital (ROIC) and its ability to grow. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 1赞 2021-12-02 08:59:56
  • As we compare these measures, note that all of them apply this important principle: any measure of return on capital should be based on the amount invested, not the current market value of the company or its assets. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-22 16:55:17
  • CFROI is more appropriate in businesses where investments are very lumpy. As two extreme examples, think of infrastructure projects or hydroelectric power plants. These require very substantial up-front investments that generate relatively stable cash flows without significant investments in maintenance or overhauling over many years or even decades. Although accounting conventions may require that the assets be depreciated, their net capital base has little bearing on the capacity to generate cash flows. ROIC often rises to levels that are unrelated to the project’s economic return (IRR), but CFROI will be much closer to the IRR because the operating cash flows are very stable. In contrast, ROIC is likely to be a better estimate of the underlying IRR in businesses where investments occu... (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-22 16:55:17
  • Another consideration when valuing cyclical companies in commodity-linked industries is that starting with revenues may not be the best way to model performance. Consider a polyethylene manufacturer, which processes natural gas into polyethylene. The traditional approach to valuation would be to model sales volumes and polyethylene prices to estimate revenues, from which you would subtract the cost of purchasing natural gas (volume times natural-gas prices) and operating costs to estimate operating profits. It may be simpler, however, to model only volumes and the “crack spread”— the difference between polyethylene prices and the cost of natural gas — and then subtract operating costs. What ultimately matters is the crack spread, not the revenues. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 1赞 2021-12-29 09:46:22
  • Evidence suggests that, in many cyclical industries, the companies themselves are what drive cyclicality. Exhibit 37.6 shows the ROIC and net investment in commodity chemicals from 1980 to 2013. The chart shows that, collectively, commodity chemical companies invest large amounts when prices and returns are high. But since capacity comes on line in very large chunks, utilization plunges, and this places downward pressure on price and ROIC. The cyclical investment in capacity is the driver of the cyclical profitability. Fluctuations in demand from customers do not cause cyclicality in profits. Producer supply does. Managers who have detailed information about their product markets should be able to do a better job than the financial market in figuring out the cycle and then take appropria... (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 1赞 2021-12-29 09:46:22
  • Can companies really behave this way and invest against the cycle? It is actually very difficult for a company to take the contrarian view. The CEO must convince the board and the company’s bankers to expand when the industry outlook is gloomy and competitors are retrenching. In addition, the CEO has to hold back while competitors build at the top of the cycle. Breaking out of the cycle may be possible, but it is the rare CEO who can do it. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 1赞 2021-12-29 09:46:22
  • 市场偏离的关键条件: 1. 非理性的投资者行为 2. 不同投资者出现系统性行为模式:只有当非理性行为以系统性方式出现时,才会出现持续的价格偏离。 3. 金融市场套利的限制性因素。 当三个因素同时存在时,行为金融学理论认为市场价格的偏离会非常严重且具有持续性。 市场中两种著名价值偏离模式:股价短期势头效应和长期逆转效应。 短期势头:前几个月正回报-》接下来几个月正回报 长期逆转:前几年抢眼的股票接下来几年变成欠佳的股票 (查看原文)
    岸上的鱼 1赞 2011-05-30 15:06:40
    —— 引自第71页
  • WACC是公司的资金机会成本,代表公司债务投资人和权益投资人对绩效汇报的共同要求 (查看原文)
    典典 2016-01-13 14:03:24
    —— 引自章节:第五章 价值评估体系
  • 一家公司只有保持防止模仿(针对现有竞争对手)或进入(来自新竞争对手)的壁垒,才能维持定价力或成本优势。 分析一个公司的历史绩效,需要:重组财务报表以反应公司的经济绩效,并非会计绩效,得出一些新指标如:扣除调整税后的净经营利润、投入资本和自由现金流;衡量和分析公司的投入资本回报率和经济利润以评估公司创造价值的能力;将回报增长拆分为四个部分:内涵式回报增长、汇率效应、收购和会计变更;评估公司的财务健康和资本结构,以确定公司是否有财务资源来经营业务和进行短期和长期投资。 (查看原文)
    典典 2016-01-14 09:36:50
    —— 引自章节:第七章 历史绩效分析&第八章绩效预测
  • 一个好模型的构成要素,EXCEL工作簿至少包含7个表格:sheet1原始历史数据(将从公司的财务报表、脚注和对外报告中收集的原始数据集中在一起);sheet2综合财务报表(使用原始数据创建一系列的历史财务数据并把握正确的详细度,此工作表会包括历史和预测的财务报表);sheet3历史分析和预测比例(对于财务报表中的每一个分项计算出历史比例和预测的财务报表);sheet4市场数据和WACC(将所有的金融市场数据还搜集到一个表中,包括估计的β、股权成本、负债成本和WACC等);sheet5重组的财务报表(计算NOPLAT,对净收入、投入资本进行调整,并对投入资金进行调整);sheet6ROIC和自由现金流(利用重组的报表计算投入资本回报、经济利润和自由现金流);sheet7估值总结(显示折现现金流、折现经济利润和最终结果) (查看原文)
    典典 2016-01-14 09:36:50
    —— 引自章节:第七章 历史绩效分析&第八章绩效预测
  • During the Internet bubble, managers and investors lost sight of what drove return on invested capital (ROIC); indeed, many forgot the importance of this ratio entirely. The notion of "winner take all" led companies and investors to believe naively that all that mattered was getting big fast, and that they could worry about creating an effective business model later. (查看原文)
    LÉMAN 2018-08-06 22:46:09
    —— 引自第11页
  • there is no emprical evidence linking increased EPS with the value created by a transaction. (查看原文)
    LÉMAN 2018-08-06 23:02:19
    —— 引自第12页
  • The book’s messages are simple: Companies thrive when they create real economic value for their shareholders. Companies create value by investing capital at rates that exceed their cost of capital. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-11-26 15:45:15
  • ROIC is a better analytical tool than return on equity (ROE) or return on assets (ROA) for understanding the company's performance because it focuses solely on a company's operations. ROE mixes operating performance with capital structure, making peer-group analysis and trend analysis less insightful. ROA - even when calculated on a pre-interest basis - is an inadequate measure of performance because it includes nonoperating assets and ignores the benefits of accounts payable and other operating liabilities that together reduce the amount of capital required from investors. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-06 11:11:29
  • After outsourcing, many businesses end up with much higher ROICs. In some cases, managers even refer to the higher ROIC as one of the main benefits of outsourcing. But the ROIC increase does not necessarily mean that the company has created value for its shareholders. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-22 15:54:58
  • Although there is no objective way to determine a cutoff point, we believe that ROICs above 50 percent need to be handled with caution when used as a measure of value creation. Special caution is required in businesses where high capital turnover, rather than high earnings margins, drives such ROIC levels. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-22 15:54:58
  • Because ROIC is multiplied by invested capital, economic profit automatically corrects for any distortion in ROIC for business models with extremely low capital intensity. (查看原文)
    目送飞鸿 2021-12-22 15:54:58
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