The Life and Times of Post-Modernity 短评

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  • 3 Gobbledygook 2016-08-16 16:24:57

    假期一开始就在读了,中间由于各种事情中断阅读,现在才读完。围绕(后)现代性与reification和reflexivity的辩证组织起人文社科各方面的理论和概念,在解构natural artifice的基础上这本书本身也解构了社会学分析形成的second nature,最终在sublime的概念上达到对后现代性分析的顶点。基于鲍曼pilgrim和nomad的比较尤其有意思。可读性很强,读“燃”的可能性很大,齐美尔的“生命”很有吸引力,然而transcendence的希望并非这么明朗。的确适合在初步了解社会学基本理论之后作为一次反思去阅读。

  • 1 Julieta 2018-12-27 19:26:49

    一年后的城市社会学pre推荐文献之一,借此标记一下另一个版本。纪念一年前的怦然心动与能预想到的每一年的怦然心动。一年很短也什么都没发生,唯一能想到的就是我媳apply了这个学校的postcolonial literary and cultural studies但是因为一些原因还是留在了国内推免。'To live the post-modern life is to live in the truth that the only thing worse than not realizing hopes is actually, to realize them.'

  • 1 Sarcophagus 2023-02-08 08:11:16 北京

    确定后学科,绝非后现代。在社会学哲学文学间拼接材料缝合思路,一块难啃但入口有前中后味的压缩饼干。有缘人极易入坑,不喜者“这不就高配韩炳哲吗?”卅年前三部曲(连The Two Sovereigns\The Inhuman Condition)别具一格悄无包装

  • 1 芳煙 2022-02-02 10:31:13


  • 0 卓尔 00 2022-02-07 01:07:05

    “The only thing worse than not realizing hopes is actually, to realize them” —我学术生涯的拐角处

  • 0 棲硯 2022-04-20 04:21:18

    “The only thing worse than not realizing hopes is actually, to realize them.”

  • 0 唐朝 2019-05-06 17:51:22

    前三章清清楚楚,后三章恍恍惚惚,变成了断言片语合集,缺少前半本扎实的例证,和正如作者自己所言,后现代的都全无意义了吧。独特的见解在于提出了一个理解modernity和post-modernity的框架(will to certainty vs. will to know, reification vs. reflexivity, defined vs. self-defining, pilgrim vs. nomad),细致地paraphrase了理论家们和社会学家们的观点并做串连,结合文学作品作为分析的抓手。疑问:对一些概念的理解是否有简单化的倾向?本书的分析最终是否也只是沦为了文字上的游戏?

  • 0 跳房子 2017-10-25 14:00:27


  • 0 2021-06-19 23:23:04

    The modern nostalgia somehow represents a kind of eternal return, which surely construct an inescapable boundary, some fixed identities, an imaginary attempting to outmanoeuvre the existence, an oscillating, yet occluded shithole to which all my fine ornaments dwell within, but that S remains barred, resonates an initial alienation.

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