A Peace to End All Peace 短评

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  • 0 S小姐 2012-04-14 21:02:39


  • 0 ∂2½ 2012-11-16 12:09:28


  • 0 viola 2021-01-26 08:49:01

    感觉蛮像八月炮火的,生动翔实,可读性很强。大部头读原版真是幸苦啊,一边读一边忘,阅读乐趣都快磨光了。。主要的take away都在afterword里了。 中东问题的主要来源在于政权主权的legitimacy,尤其是在黎巴嫩,叙利亚,伊拉克,以色列,约旦这些国家。这些国家本来不存在,却在英法帝国主义各自的帝国主义殖民野心扶持下在一战之后的1922 settlement成为了独立的帝国主义代理人政体。但其统治的legitimacy又不被本地的多方势力所认可,才会一直战乱动荡。土耳其和沙特因为强有力的独裁者相对稳定,埃及因为是一脉传承的古文明legitimacy有保障也比较稳定。作者的观点是中东的出路是uti possidetis, which means ?

  • 0 甜点甜点甜 2024-04-05 22:57:55 山西


  • 0 KHK 2015-08-04 13:50:05


  • 0 blackcatstubby 2016-08-20 05:17:42

    This book is balanced & insightful but at times details could be overwhelming. It is from a British perspective and only offers a glimpse of thoughts from other people. It put the events of a specific period (1914~22) into the context of greater history, helpful to understand where the modern Middle East come from.

  • 0 设拉子的葡萄 2018-07-24 18:21:53


  • 0 Yixi 2019-03-03 02:16:39

    "...that in the Middle East there is no sense of legitimacy - no agreement on rules of the game - and no belief, universally shared in the region, that within whatever boundaries, the entities that call themselves countries or the men who claim to be rulers are entitled to recognition as such."

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