Throughout Chinese history mountains have been integral components of the religious landscape. They have been considered divine or numinous sites, the abodes of deities, the preferred locations for temples and monasteries, and destinations for pilgrims. Early in Chinese history a set of five mountains were co-opted into the imperial cult and declared sacred peaks, yue, demarcating and protecting the boundaries of the Chinese imperium.
The Southern Sacred Peak, or Nanyue, is of interest to scholars not the least because the title has been awarded to several different mountains over the years. The dynamic nature of Nanyue raises a significant theoretical issue of the mobility of sacred space and the nature of the struggles involved in such moves. Another facet of Nanyue is the multiple meanings assigned to this place: political, religious, and cultural. Of particular interest is the negotiation of this space by Daoists and Buddhists. The history of their interaction leads to questions about the nature of the divisions between these two religious traditions. James Robson’s analysis of these topics demonstrates the value of local studies and the emerging field of Buddho-Daoist studies in research on Chinese religion.
Maps and Figures
Chinese Dynasties
Abbreviations and Conventions
Part 1: Situating Nanyue
1. Religion and the Sacred Peaks of China
2. Moving Mountains: Nanyue in Chinese Religious Geography
3. Imagining Nanyue: Physical Geography and Mythical Topography
Prat 2: The Daoist and Buddhist Histories of Nanyue
4. Rising UP to Paradise: Pre-Tang Daoism
5. Nanyue in the Tang: Local Daoist History
6. Lady Wei and the Female Daoists of Nanyue
7. Local Histories, Lost Monks
8. Regional Buddhism During the Tang
Conclusion: On the Boundaries of Chinese Religions
Works Cited
1 有用 YING 2014-11-03 00:24:28
Place; Buddho-Daoist approach, dynamic boundaries and plural histories.
1 有用 李从珂 2023-04-22 18:03:09 北京
从上古五岳讲到了唐代,从王朝国家的意识形态下沿到地方社会的森罗万象,这种sinology色彩浓厚的汉地佛教研究属实难得。读导论和结语会令人振奋和心有戚戚焉(Smith被cue好多次),山岳研究和人文地理学的脉络也抓得恰到好处,但落实到经验研究上,其实论理的骨骼并不清晰。朱溢有书评刊于《中国学术》,最后指出了魏夫人信仰中心转移的论证问题;魏斌后来写南岳记叙,也委婉提出了Robson使用《南岳总胜集》... 从上古五岳讲到了唐代,从王朝国家的意识形态下沿到地方社会的森罗万象,这种sinology色彩浓厚的汉地佛教研究属实难得。读导论和结语会令人振奋和心有戚戚焉(Smith被cue好多次),山岳研究和人文地理学的脉络也抓得恰到好处,但落实到经验研究上,其实论理的骨骼并不清晰。朱溢有书评刊于《中国学术》,最后指出了魏夫人信仰中心转移的论证问题;魏斌后来写南岳记叙,也委婉提出了Robson使用《南岳总胜集》等后代文献时本身会造成的偏差。不过总而言之,还是很感谢这种导夫先路的作品的。 (展开)
2 有用 南池子 2017-03-04 22:26:57
从南岳的宗教活动、建筑修建以及诗文碑刻类文学作品描述中,勾勒唐代南岳的文学景观乃至湖南的地方文化史。【改自佛雷指导的博士论文Imagining Nanyue: A religious history of the Southern Marchmount through the Tang dynasty [618--907]】
0 有用 Advenue 2016-12-26 03:10:04
A research features non-sectarian perspective, a single focus on a sacred site. It is somehow a conventional historical study of a religious content.
0 有用 尹嘤嘤 2020-04-24 10:11:07
1 有用 李从珂 2023-04-22 18:03:09 北京
从上古五岳讲到了唐代,从王朝国家的意识形态下沿到地方社会的森罗万象,这种sinology色彩浓厚的汉地佛教研究属实难得。读导论和结语会令人振奋和心有戚戚焉(Smith被cue好多次),山岳研究和人文地理学的脉络也抓得恰到好处,但落实到经验研究上,其实论理的骨骼并不清晰。朱溢有书评刊于《中国学术》,最后指出了魏夫人信仰中心转移的论证问题;魏斌后来写南岳记叙,也委婉提出了Robson使用《南岳总胜集》... 从上古五岳讲到了唐代,从王朝国家的意识形态下沿到地方社会的森罗万象,这种sinology色彩浓厚的汉地佛教研究属实难得。读导论和结语会令人振奋和心有戚戚焉(Smith被cue好多次),山岳研究和人文地理学的脉络也抓得恰到好处,但落实到经验研究上,其实论理的骨骼并不清晰。朱溢有书评刊于《中国学术》,最后指出了魏夫人信仰中心转移的论证问题;魏斌后来写南岳记叙,也委婉提出了Robson使用《南岳总胜集》等后代文献时本身会造成的偏差。不过总而言之,还是很感谢这种导夫先路的作品的。 (展开)
1 有用 齐冠雄 2021-04-24 19:53:10
真的很佩服R师,能从甲骨文尚书史记聊到南宗禅和居士佛教。this guy knows too much...有点太sinological了,根本不是给外行能读的。还有一点就是,后面聊到佛教就有点散了,对place和南岳的概念没有flesh out(不过R师自己也承认了)。
0 有用 尹嘤嘤 2020-04-24 10:11:07
0 有用 Lemonade~ 2017-04-23 11:14:51
2 有用 南池子 2017-03-04 22:26:57
从南岳的宗教活动、建筑修建以及诗文碑刻类文学作品描述中,勾勒唐代南岳的文学景观乃至湖南的地方文化史。【改自佛雷指导的博士论文Imagining Nanyue: A religious history of the Southern Marchmount through the Tang dynasty [618--907]】