
  • 韶光已逝, 所有锥心喜悦已不复存, 一切晕眩狂欢也消散。 (查看原文)
    nikkosoleil 1赞 2012-10-06 10:23:05
    —— 引自第194页
  • 我将永远记得9月牛津的容颜是多么羞怯。“羞怯”一词,是指她流露出的端庄、温和的表情,对我而言,那是最动人的。 春天的牛津总是带着笑意,有时她笑出声来,为那红、黄、绿、紫的缤纷色彩而雀跃不已,在闪耀的阳光下显得格外活泼。空气中充盈着鸟儿和大学生的嘈嘈切切。女孩们似乎特别多话,她们没有过往年代少女的文静,即使她们看起来已经够开心的了,内心却仍定不下来,不断东探西问。 夏天里,城市笼罩在浓密的绿荫下,渴望她那些众多的水道能带来清凉水汽。冬天的牛津则为年华老去而叹息着,她低泣,所以这季节阴雨绵绵。只有在秋季,特别是早秋,牛津的学院披上了灰黄色的袍子,欣然迎接斑斓的秋色,那非凡的美丽,更加深了学院的宁静本色。正是这一切和谐的色彩,赋予牛津的秋天一抹羞怯的气息。 (查看原文)
    carried 2011-03-09 19:29:41
    —— 引自第169页
  • 歷史僅能增添古老的光澤,固有其迷人之處,但無法改變美的本質。所有新的事物終將陳舊,我喜歡專注在事物本身,而將名稱、年代和無數歷史淵源留給歷史學家、考古學家及古董愛好者! (查看原文)
    松堪蔭 2011-04-29 14:28:53
    —— 引自第135页
  • 从某种程度上,我自己也被知识分子支配着,他们尝试说服我服从这个或那个"主义",然而我的心只属于自己。当我正大光明地活着,我不会在乎任何"主义"。人不是为了个人或国家的利益而存在,应该为了全人类的福祉而活,这种生命的正直品格也是我希望能从现在和未来的知识分子身上学习的。 (查看原文)
    nikkosoleil 2012-10-06 10:03:22
    —— 引自第175页
  • 三月里第一个暖和的晴天,一刻比一刻更可爱。门外高高的落叶松上面,知更鸟唱起歌来。 (查看原文)
    小呀嘛小匆匆 2018-03-11 04:56:00
    —— 引自第198页
  • It is sad that praise of China should be confined so exclusively to the toll of lives laid down in this war,of property sacrificed,and endless suffering. It is sadder still for me to see compatriots who, by whatever chance,have,like me,not themselves suffered the worst afflictions,swelling under the showers of vicarious praise,and boasting. The war is not won yet,and present praises are for sacrifices already made and accomplishments already complete. … In that post-war world which we all so fervently believe will be orderly and peaceful,I like to hope that each will have his due and be accorded the regard,and treated with the respect,appropriate to that station and its significance in the community. But I sometimes doubt whether those who are now so energetically planning and dis... (查看原文)
    Vins3nt 2022-04-23 14:38:52
    —— 引自章节:敬爱的猫咪阁下 Honourable Pussy Cat
  • … Our great philosopher, Chuang Tzu, says: "If the intellectuals are not dead, there will be no end for the great robbers." In the long history of China we have had too many of these intellectuals only too ready to obey corrupt rulers. Great robbers,who have many intellectual followers,can bestow on them the power they crave. If the biggest enemies of humanity to-day had no intellectual following or support,there might have been lesssuffering for mankind now. What can we expect from the intellectuals of the present and the future? Perhaps the Oxford dons and undergraduates could tell me. I am myself to some extent ruled by the intellectuals who have tried to persuade me to follow this or that "ism,"but my mind is unconquerably my own.So long as I learn to live honourably and rightl... (查看原文)
    Vins3nt 2022-04-25 08:43:38
    —— 引自章节:羞怯的容颜 The Bashful Face
  • 客人终于散了,南非人最后离开,因为他想喝光全部的酒。他们走到四方院时,仍传来如雷的笑声,随后就完全静下来。喧哗之后的突然死寂,让我一时打了阵冷战。 ...我在睡衣外面披上一件外套,悄悄下楼去。外头太黑了,什么都看不到。这是我所见过最深沉的夜空了,沃德姆学院那美丽的雷恩大楼,轮廓也完全隐没。禁不住四方院里的刺骨寒风,我旋即返回屋内,让自己再度在沙发上。” (查看原文)
    凛冽zj 2022-11-12 20:34:58
    —— 引自章节:我该翻墙吗?