Bird by Bird 短评

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  • 25 Chandelier 2017-04-04 01:44:12

    "Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."

  • 15 sirian 2013-12-21 14:48:47

    虽然面向的大概是creative writing,但对于科学搬砖工来说,很多对写作心情和生活的体会也很有帮助/共鸣。在痛苦的写不下去的时候,拿起书来读一段,会慢慢变的有勇气回到桌前继续工作。

  • 3 时光深处 2019-10-13 11:45:07

    GOD, it's so beautifully written in an easy-to-read way about the deep topics. Thanks, sister Anne.--10/2019 On my second reading, I found this book is awkwardly written. It's tedious, chattering, and perhaps charged by an unfulfilled novelist dream of the author, thus it becomes neither a how-to book nor a novelette. It's a non-genius struggling.

  • 4 ichbinluz 2015-05-01 22:16:46

    许多道理,写作和生活都是相通的。比如说,写作能给你养育孩子所会拥有的那些:关照幼小、关注细节、变得柔软。(拥有孩子也是一种获得。) 真正的细心爱心、如同母亲般不计较付出,相较于想用最小代价获得最大利益,事实上能得到更大的收获和幸福感。

  • 8 nightdreamer 2016-04-18 21:09:44

    We mimic, we parrot --we are writers.

  • 2 Yijun 2015-06-12 12:29:35

    Being a writer is not about crossing it off the Bucket List or getting published. It is ultimately about "how alive we are willing to be?" Brilliant. Finished on 2015/06/12

  • 1 灰_faye 2012-12-08 14:26:02


  • 1 小小耳朵 2014-03-10 05:32:44


  • 1 Ronaldo·Stark 2014-05-08 20:58:16


  • 0 EvieAli 2013-11-12 02:31:36


  • 2 fugue 2020-07-24 15:29:12

    其实算是一本写给写作者的自助书籍,而宽容点看的话,自助书籍也没什么不好... 像Lamott自己说的,她的写作有时候就是送给这世上的他者的礼物;恰好没什么人写过一个挣扎的写作者的赤裸裸的日常内心戏,她就写了。有的章节带着特权的惯性所特有的矫情,有的地方却也能给人带来灵感;也算是给后来人的礼物。 | 第一版是1995年出的 - 大概是因为年代,所以稍稍觉得她语调中即便是算不上white supremacy也起码是tone-deaf的成分没有“那么”不可原谅。

  • 1 bboobb 2020-08-31 15:05:35

    本来想多了解一下creative writing的魅力,于是就看了这本书,过程很愉悦,看的速度也很快,但是读完之后你会发现道理终究是道理,与其有时间幻想天地人文道德哲理方法,不如喊个外卖然后坐在电脑前面开始敲字

  • 1 oh_oliver 2019-12-29 21:41:12

    在NYU写作课上读过最棒的书了。每次写作感到沮丧时,都会想起书里那篇shitty first draft

  • 0 鱼小勺 2015-06-03 00:04:04

    看完这本书,不由得更加同情远子,写作汪挺惨的请大家给他打钱。Listen to ur broccoli.

  • 0 子珂 2015-11-11 19:30:47


  • 0 Don't Blink 2015-07-22 12:34:01

    sometimes it came off as trying too hard to be funny but mostly interesting and honest. would love to read something from Anne Lamott

  • 0 raisonneur 2017-10-03 16:51:05

    Writing is such a magical thing to do.

  • 1 Ray Wei 2015-01-12 23:04:28

    Just started reading it, sounds good so far...

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