What Technology Wants的书评 (8)

2010-11-02 06:20:51


来评价一本刚刚在美国发行、还没有出中文版的书籍可能有点不太适宜,但是由于和作者KK聊了两个多小时,写个东西纪念这位老人。他的所得无论对错,却似我两年硅谷生活的画龙点睛之笔。 “技术到底想要什么?” “生命想要什么,技术就想要什么。“ “你是说,技术想要的和生命...  (展开)
Alan 2012-06-03 14:10:12

50% On the relationship between technium's evolution and human being's oppression

I'd say Unabomber's view on the relationship between technium's evolution and human being's oppression is indeed futuristic and eye-opening. In contrast, the author's counter argument seems relatively week and a bit elusive. The deduction of human being's...  (展开)
时雨 2011-11-14 21:53:18


http://shiyuhang.org/blog/1652.html 前几天凤凰卫视某连线节目采访江平,问他关于“小悦悦”事件的立法建议,出乎意料的是,这位法学界的泰斗并没有给立法执法方面提出太多意见,而是建议增加公共场合的摄像头。显然,如果不是摄像头记录下“十八铜人”令人发指的冷漠,一个...  (展开)
Alan 2012-05-13 00:04:06


Apparently, the most important term the author coined is technium, which refers to the kind of "organism" or self-organization formed by technology. It appears as a fascinating concept that technology has been evolving in a similar way a single-cell creatur...  (展开)
苏灿 2012-01-31 17:48:34

东西网连载:【科技想要什么】第一章 我的疑惑


http://dongxi.net/b13WY 技术元素(technium)不仅指硬件,而且包括文化、艺术、社会制度以及各类思想。它包含无形的事物,例如软件、法律和哲学概念。最重要的是,它包括人类发明所具有的“繁殖”动力,这种动力促进新工具的制作和新的科技发明,鼓励不同技术进行沟通以实现...  (展开)
Anonymous 2012-08-12 03:42:08

A simple introduction to find out if you would like to read further in the book

This book defies easy summary. One touching fact about this book is that Mr. Kelly is not a fanatical theorist, preaching abstract concepts without anybody even know what it is. His ideas and perception have strong support from his own rich experiences. I'...  (展开)
自由的柠檬 2012-02-05 15:19:51


从《失控》这本书就开始了解KK,知道除了这本新书之后就翻阅英文版,大概看到100页确是爱不释手。由于业余时间有限,读英文比较慢,赶紧买了中文版重头读起。已经读到第二部分,译文流畅,KK的行文当然还是有理有据,循循善诱,大师就是大师,思想深邃,逻辑严密,旁征博引,谈...  (展开)
苏灿 2010-09-01 16:51:03

What Technology Wants

Not so much how do we reconcile ourselves to technology, but how do we reconcile ourselves to — and help shape — the very big thing that technology seems devoted to building?  (展开)

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