
  • 那么天真纯朴,却善于明辨是非,那么温顺和蔼,却非常坚毅刚强。心灵是那么宁静,生活却是那么活跃…… (查看原文)
    豆友52712255 16赞 2012-12-26 12:09:24
    —— 引自第17页
  • 我生平最讨厌的莫过于人与人之间相互折磨,尤其是风华正茂的年轻人,本可以胸怀坦荡地尽情欢乐,可是他们却彼此拿一些无聊的蠢事把不多几天的好日子都糟蹋掉。 “有的人控制着别人的心,”我说,“于是他便利用这个权力去掠夺别人心里自动萌发的单纯的快乐,这种人呀,真是可恨!世上任何馈赠和美意都无法补偿我们自身片刻的欢乐,那被我们的暴君不自在的妒忌心所败坏的片刻的欢乐。” (查看原文)
    Ixtab 16赞 2012-11-30 13:18:57
    —— 引自章节:七月一日
  • 我生平最讨厌的莫过于人与人之间相互折磨,尤其是风华正茂的年轻人,本可以胸怀坦荡地尽情欢乐,可是他们却彼此拿一些无聊的蠢事把不多几天的好日子都糟蹋掉,等意识到浪费的光阴已经无法弥补时,已经太晚了。 (查看原文)
    式微 2回复 12赞 2016-07-18 17:42:08
    —— 引自第29页
  • 你要是问这儿的人怎么样,那我要告诉你:和各处的一样!人都是一个模子里造出来的。多数人为了生计,干活耗去了大部分时间,剩下的一点业余时间却令他们犯了闲愁,非得挖空心思、想法设法把它打发掉。啊,人就是这么个命! (查看原文)
    [已注销] 9赞 2015-02-27 19:01:48
    —— 引自章节:人都是一个模子里造出来的。
  • I know that human beings were not created equal and cannot be, but I am of the opinion that he who keeps aloof from the so-called rabble in order to preserve the respect he feels is his due is just as reprehensible as the coward who hides from his enemies because he fears to be defeated by them. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • I experienced the warmth of a heart and the nobility of a soul in whose presence I seemed to be more than I was because I was everything I possibly could be (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • The illusion that life is but a dream has occurred to quite a few people, and I feel the same way about it. When I see the limitations imposed on man's powers of action and inquiry and observe how all his efficiency is aimed at nothing but the satisfaction of his needs, which in turn has but one purpose - to prolong his miserable existence - and when I see how all his reassurance on certain aspects of his inquiries is little more than a dreamy resignation, in that he chooses to bedaub the walls of his prison with motley figures and bright prospects - all this, William, makes me mute. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • I said something, a casual compliment, but all the while my whole being was absorbed with the sight of her, the sound of her voice, her behavior. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • At any rate, it served only to confuse me utterly. I became involved with the wrong couple, the result was chaos, and it took a great deal of Lotte's presence of mind and a lot of pulling and readjusting to get all of us in orderly motion again. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • There was the most marvelous sunrise. The trees were wet, the fields refreshed, our chaperones nodding... Lotte asked me if I didn't want to close my eyes, too... I should not stand on ceremony with her. "As long as I can look into your eyes," I said, looking at her steadfastly, "there is no danger of my falling asleep." And we stayed awake, both of us, until we arrived at her gate. The maid opened the door softly, and in reply to her query assured Lotte that her father and the children were well and still asleep. Then I left her, with the request that I might see her again that very day. She agreed, and I rode over to see her. Since then sun, moon, and stars can do what they will - I haven't the faintest notion whether it is day or night. The world around me has vanished. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • ……and we yearn, ah, we yearn to surrender all of our Self and let ourselves be filled to the brim with a single, tremendous, magnificent emotions, but alas... when we hurry to the spot, when There becomes Here, everything is as it was before and we are left standing in our poverty and constraint, our souls longing for the balm that has eluded us. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • Thank God I know how to fit them into my likfe without conceit. Oh, how thankful I am that my heart can feel the simple, harmless joys of the man who brings to the table a head of cabbage he has grown himself, and in a single moment enjoys, not only the vegetable, but all the fine days and fresh mornings since he planted it, the mild evenings when he watered it, and the pleasure he felt while watching it grow. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • Now there's nothing that irritates me more than when people torment each other, especially when young people in the prime of their lives, who should be open to all joys, spoil the few good days they have with a dour mien and only find out too late that they have wasted something irretrievable. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • The idea that she had looked at his face, at his cheeks, at the buttons on his waistcoat and the collar of his jacket, made every one of these things sacred and invaluable to me. At that point I wouldn't have let anyone have the boy for a thousand talers. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • Wouldn't you rather say that his misfortune weakens him to such an extent that it must rob him also of the courage to rid himself of it? (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • They wanted a fairy tale, and in the end, even Lotte asked me to tell them one. I cut their supper bread for them - now they are almost as willing to receive it from me as from Lotte - and I told them their favorite tale about the princess who is waited on by invisible hands. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • She wanted to withdraw her hand, but I clung to it. "We shall meet again!" I cried. "We shall find each other, whatever shape or form we may have. We shall recognize each other. I will go," I added. " I will go willingly, but if I had to say good-bye forever, I could not bear it. Farewell, Lotte; farewell, Albert. We shall meet again." (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • Patience! Patience! Things will improve. Because I want to assure you, my dear friend, you are right. Since I spend my days among people again and observe what they do and how they live, I find it much easier to live with myself. Since we mortals happen to be so constituted that we compare everything with ourselves and ourselves with everything around us, our happiness and our misery have to lie in the things with which we compare ourselves. Nothing is therefore more dangerous than solitude. Our imagination, forced by its very nature to unfold, nourished by the fantastic visions of poetry, gives shape to a whole order of creatures of which we are the lowliest, and everything around us seems to be more glorious, everyone else more perfect. And all this happens quite naturally. We feel so of... (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • I slipped away quietly, got into my cabriolet, and drove to M. to see the sun set from the hill there and read Homer's glorious verses about Ulysses and the hospitable swineherd. And all that was well and good. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
  • ......and he seems to value my mind and my various talents more than this heart of mine, of which I am so proud, for it is the source of all things - all strength, all bliss, all misery. The things I know, every man can know, but, oh, my heart is mine alone. (查看原文)
    张大宝子Matt 6赞 2017-06-30 21:11:47
    —— 引自章节:摘句(一)
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