Hackers & Painters的书评 (9)

Hammer_ 2012-03-11 19:08:15


一 This book is an attempt to explain to the world at large what goes on in the world of computers. So it’s not just for programmers. For example, Chapter 6 is about how to get rich. I believe this is a topic of general interest. This book is to exp...  (展开)
Null 2013-06-23 03:23:32

Graham 的博客集


似乎发博客集是很多ITers的习惯,整本书大概有十来篇文章,个人觉得Hackers & Painters 和 How to make wealth 这两篇有趣,后面有几篇讨论编程语言的就没什么意思了。  (展开)
hustcalm 2013-08-16 12:00:36


Paul作为YC的老大,现在已是身价不菲。 这本书有讲述作者的三观(对学校的看法就是典型一例,而且观点十分鲜明),有讲述自己的成长历程(画家和计算机黑客,总是有故事讲的),较为详细叙述了自己的创业经历(做了第一个互联网软件,用户电子商务的网上店铺生成,后来卖给Yah...  (展开)
ShawnLeeZX 2013-08-12 15:56:33

Read summary of Why Nerds Are Unpopular of Hacker and Painter

## Nerd, or the one who is playing a more real game in the articifial world of school, is not a loser. > "If I could go back and give my thirteen year old self some advice, > the main thing I’d tell him would be to stick his head up and look > around." > ...  (展开)
ShawnLeeZX 2013-08-12 15:52:55

Hacker and Painter, reading summary, chapter two

This chapter is about the artistic side of hacker. What new thing have I learnt? * A review of being a hacker and, being artists. * Another view about doing research. Computer, is a medium to create. The inner most thing that drives me to stick in what ...  (展开)
Fantasy 2012-10-02 14:58:12


作者Paul Graham 就是传说中的硅谷创业之父,也可以说是互联网应用之父(源于其创办了第一个互联网应用程序“viaWeb”)。本书是他的文集,汇聚了黑客、编程、创业等话题,这次看的是中文版,得力于译者阮一峰的工作,读起这些文章来也甚是流畅带感。 关于“黑客”(Hac...  (展开)
王玉 2011-06-24 00:18:07


这本书带给了是两方面的收获: 1、be nerd or be popular?这是一个问题?作者分别从教育、创业、语言的角度来探讨的这个问题。上学的时候,be popular 真得很重要吗?什么是be popular,就是变得普通,这样会消耗你大量的精力不能集中在正确的事情上。be nerd,往往在某个问题...  (展开)
机械唯物主义 2011-02-07 18:50:32


很久以前就耳闻 `hackers and painters`_ 这本书, 终于在今年过年期间, 抽空看完了. 这本书有点像是杂文集, 里面的内容遥相呼应, 但又独立成章. 里面的核心思想: 黑客更像是艺术家, 而不是工程师或者科学家. 编程工具对于黑客而言, 像是画笔对于画家, 掌握了工具, 不代表能够...  (展开)
Alvin 2010-08-29 14:32:18


* 最纯粹、最抽象的设计难题之一,就是设计桥梁。你面对的问题,基本上就是如何使用最少的材料,跨越给定的距离。(Five Questions about Language Design) * 软件最大的好处,就是让一切变得简单。但是,做到这一点的方法,是正确设置缺省值,而不是限制用户的选择。(The O...  (展开)

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