Suppose I want to design a new programming language. What's the best piece of advice you can give me?
Adin Falkoff: I guess the best thing I can say is do something that you enjoy, something that pleases you to work with, something that helps you accomplish something that you would like to do.
We were always very personal in out approach, and I think most designers are, as I read what people have to say. They started doing things that they wanted to do, which then turned out to be useful generally. (查看原文)
In software, the term smoke testing describes the process of validating code changes before the changes are checked into the product’s source tree. After code reviews, smoke testing is the most cost effective method for identifying and fixing defects in software. Smoke tests are designed to confirm that changes in the code function as expected and do not destabilize an entire build. (查看原文)
We had a recent discussion on one of the
Python lists where people were arguing forcefully that using dollar instead of self-dot was
much more elegant. I think their definition of elegance was number of keystrokes. (查看原文)
Balance is the word. There are some well-known traps to avoid, like stuff that is thought to help novices but annoys experts, and stuff that experts need but confuses novices.There’s plenty enough space in between to keep both sides happy. Another strategy is to have ways for experts to do advanced things that novices will never encounter—for example, the language supports metaclasses, but there’s no reason for novices to know about them. (查看原文)
The earliest intentions I had for Python were simply for it to be a language to be used in cases where C was overkill and shell scripts became too cumbersome (查看原文)