
  • 通常来说,初步浏览过眼前的影像后,我们就轻易得出结论,没什么好看了。然后我们会觉得不耐烦,想离开。不过,还是有必要抵制这种念头的。如果我们停下来,让作品在某种程度上渗入我们的意识,那么艺术就有可能向观众透露真相。 (查看原文)
    严肃 1赞 2012-08-02 19:31:26
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  • 大众传媒时代来临,视觉影像的泛滥导致了人们艺术观赏方式的调整——艺术现在只是众多影像中的一类。具有讽刺意味的是,艺术品的价格却未受到反商业主义思潮的冲击,而是攀升到前所未有的高度,甚至成为人们避税与投机性投资的工具。 (查看原文)
    严肃 1赞 2012-08-02 23:39:59
    —— 引自第13页
  • 公元前750年至罗马帝国兴起期间的希腊艺术和建筑对西方国家艺术与文化的演变进程有着根本性的影响。……古希腊这种理想化的现实主义艺术传统在文艺复兴早期被重新发掘并被当时的大部分艺术家奉为圭臬,这种状况一直持续至19世纪。 受埃及艺术的启发,希腊雕塑从古代几何图形和对称风格迅速专项注重人体解剖结构的姿态表情的现实主义。 最能体现希腊化艺术特点的作品不是希腊主大陆艺术家的创作,而是来自希腊化时期那些新王国,比如近东小亚细亚的塞琉西王朝、埃及的托勒密王朝和马其顿的安帝哥尼斯王朝。……之前的作品都是在向神灵表示敬意,为神庙创作,或是为颂扬希腊的荣光而作,而此时则是用来装饰宅邸和宫殿,或是纪念战争胜利以及表现各王国自行敬奉的神灵。描绘的对象也从单一的皇宫贵族扩展到了滑稽人物、儿童与老人。各种族人物——包括亚洲裔——成为创作体裁,反映了希腊化时期艺术的多样性。 (查看原文)
    宠儿 1赞 2019-01-22 14:02:36
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  • 希腊化时期还见证了对古典风格的背离。之前作品中常见的是禁欲般的无激情的面部表情。现在为了表达身体或心灵上的折磨,艺术家们已经开始描绘扭曲的面容。……希腊化作品再现心理痛苦的创作倾向 (查看原文)
    宠儿 1赞 2019-01-22 14:02:36
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  • 约公元前1624年,锡拉岛火山爆发,引发海啸。整个爱琴海地区的贸易受挫,进而导致克里特文明衰落。 (查看原文)
    严肃 2012-08-02 23:48:05
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  • 老农的秃顶和小缕的花白头发是逼真的现实主义细节,在描绘神灵和法老的作品中绝不会出现,因为那类作品的风格已有固定模式。在描绘奴隶、普通人和动物时,艺术家们才有创作自由,展示出自然主义的真实细节。 (查看原文)
    严肃 2012-08-03 00:08:34
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  • Amida is the Buddha of immeasurable Light and Infinite Life, a compassionate Buddha dedicated to saving anyone who recites his name repeatedly. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-03-27 23:24:03
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  • In the centre are Plato and Aristotle, clearly identified by the titles of their books: Plato points upwards to the world of ideas, while Aristotle extends his open hand between heaven and earth. Leonardo da Vinci, wearing a long white beard, was the model for Plato, and Michelangelo, seated on a step in the foreground with his arm resting on a block of marble, represents the mathematician Heraclitus. On the far right is Raphel himself looking out of the picture. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-04-06 16:44:43
    —— 引自第175页
  • In Italy the Renaissance was a rebirth, specifically a rediscovery of the learning and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. These cultures had less relevance to northern Europeans, for whom representations of classical mythology were much rarer than they were in Mediterranean countries. The Northern Renaissance was inspired by religious reform, which brought with it a new interest in portraying the human figure and the visible world realistically. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-04-06 17:31:20
    —— 引自第182页
  • The term "Baroque" was initially a derogatory one, introduced by critics of a later generation wishing to discredit the art that had preceded them. The word "baroque" means "misshapen", and refers to the typically flowing, quasi-endless forms associated with the style. It is used to designate the art, architecture and music that followed the Late Renaissance and preceded the Rococo period. Seen as a reaction to the mannered style in vogue at the end of the 16th century, in which classical idealism had given way to placid beauty, the Baroque is particularly associated with art that was commissioned by the Catholic Church. It is characterized by heavy ornamentation, complex but systematized design and a luxuriant deployment of color, light and shade. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-04-06 18:55:47
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  • The light-hearted, decorative style of Rococo flourished throughout Europe for much of the 18th century. It emerged in France at the turn of the century and remained popular until the 1770s, when it gradually gave way to Neoclassicism. At its peak, Rococo achieved an irresistible blend of elegance, charm, wit and playful eroticism. The term "Rococo" was originally meant as a mocking jibe. It is said to have been coined by a student of Jacques-Louis David in the 1790s, when the reputation of the style was at its lowest ebb. The word itself was a humorous fusion of rocaille, a fancy style of rock decoration used in fountains, and barocco, the Italian source word for Baroque. For contemporaries, these origins suggested that the style was a trivial or comical debasement of the latter, but the ... (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-04-11 00:19:36
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  • Neoclassicism was a dominant style in Western art from the late 18th century until 1830. In its most basic form, the movement aimed to revive the spirit of the great civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome and developed as a reaction against the hedonism and frivolity of the Rococo movement. Its initial momentum came not from artists but from philosophers--the spokesmen for the Enlightenment in France. Led by men such as Denis Diderot and Voltaire, the philosophers railed against the moral laxity of the Rococo style and, by association, the regime that had spawned it. In its place, they demanded art that was rational, moral and high-mined. A revival of the culture of the classical world fitted this bill perfectly. (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2014-04-13 23:42:42
    —— 引自第260页
  • 罐身画面最左边的铭文的意思是“艾克塞基亚斯创造了我”。 (查看原文)
    违天择 2014-08-05 10:53:41
    —— 引自第53页
  • 约1460年,葡萄牙人到达西非,与尼日利亚西南部的伊多王国开始了贸易合作。葡萄牙人带来大量黄铜、铜手镯、珊瑚珠和红布。当时的下尼日尔地区,“失蜡”铸造法已经成熟,见到新的铜材原料供应,匠人们想必相当兴奋。尽管没有直接证据说明葡萄牙人带来的铜手镯被非洲兄弟即刻回炉,但贝宁的铸铜业有了快速扩张,并且出现了一种新形式——方形铜牌。 (查看原文)
    违天择 2014-08-05 10:58:21
    —— 引自第71页
  • 但此画明知故犯地缺乏寓意,似乎纯粹是为了表现裸体,与经典题材中的裸体根本无涉,因此引起了舆情分开。 (查看原文)
    违天择 2014-09-17 16:13:15
    —— 引自第306页
  • 1498年出版后,获得巨大成功。丢勒的创新技巧包括交叉平行线和平行线的运用,以表现光与影和事物的体积,……这些插图的成功给丢勒带来巨大财富,……丢勒选择这样的创作主题非常精明。因为当时很多人相信1500年将会是世界末日的迫近之时,所以启示录中描述的场景一时成为街谈巷议的焦点。……拿弓的第一个骑士代表瘟疫,高举长剑的第二个骑士代表战争,提着空天平的第三个骑士代表饥荒,第四个骑士则代表死亡 (查看原文)
    三皮 2015-11-18 20:06:50
    —— 引自第187页
  • 约阿希姆·帕迪尼尔(约1480-1524)《圣杰罗米风景》(Landscape with St. Jerome) 这些风景本身其实远非写实。帕迪尼尔采用了双重透视策略:整体景象是从一定高度看过去的,所以地平线比较高,可以看到风景很远处;与此同时,人物、树木和建筑则画得靠前,好像与观者视线齐平。 (查看原文)
    三皮 2015-11-28 15:14:34
    —— 引自第183页
  • 大部分岩画都用来在典礼仪式中祈祷牲畜的繁殖生产,从而为部落提供食物;也有些则与信念无关,纯粹是为了视觉愉悦而创作。P.16 洞穴壁画也许用于宗教仪式或者求神通灵,其确切意图尚且未知。P.17 (查看原文)
    宠儿 2019-01-22 09:49:43
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  • 苏美尔的建筑和艺术都服务于宗教信仰的表达和宗教活动 (查看原文)
    宠儿 2019-01-22 11:03:02
    —— 引自第20页
  • 自拜占庭时代开始,古典主义的写实再现让位给了更抽象和更富装饰性的新风格。为了推动东正教教义的顺利传播,华丽的颜色与鲜明的象征手法被大量应用,营造出了一种神秘氛围。建筑方面,人们修建了大量教堂,成为基督教在整个拜占庭或东罗马帝国境内的活动场地,而这些教堂的都采用了庄严优雅的圆形穹顶。 (查看原文)
    宠儿 2019-01-23 09:38:01
    —— 引自第72页
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