《考研英语阅读题源2:时代周刊分册》内容简介:《考研英语阅读题源Ⅱ》系列结合读者对于前两版的反馈意见,以及近年考研英语阅读的命题实际,选取了符合大家阅读偏好,同时也是考研英语阅读理解文章最集中的题源The Economist《经济学家》、Newsweek《新闻周刊》、Time《时代周刊》、The New York Times《纽约时报》4份期刊杂志,从这些为考研命题者所青睐的优秀原版期刊杂志中分别精选出50篇与考研英语阅读命题趋势相贴近的最新文章,具有较强的时效性。
社会类Passage 1 The Best Way to Curb Forced MarriagesPassage 2 France’S New Year’S Tradition:Car-BurningPassage 3 E-Waste NotPassage 4 Bunkinginwith Mom and DadPassage 5 In Japan,Fast Fashion Rules in Slow TimesPassage 6 CanWindPowerGetupto Speed?Passage 7 Does the E.U.’S Airline Blacklist Make Flying Safer?Passage 8 ALighterBrew:NonalcoholicBeerPassage 9 Distracted Driving:Should Talking,Texting Be Banned?Passage 10 Why Americans Are Adopting Fewer Kids from China?………………………文教类Passage 1 Criminalizing Home SchoolersPassage 2 Hidden College Costs:Rising FeesPassage 3 A Writing Prize for the People,by the PeoplePassage 4 No Dropouts Left Behind:New Rules on Grad RatesPassage 5 Making Reading,Writing and Recession Work TogetherPassage 6 A Brief History of Post humous LiteraturePassage 7 Cash-Strapped State Schools Being ForcedtoPrivatize Passage 8 Can Charter-School Execs Help Failing Public Schools?……………………………Passage 9 India to Foreign Colleges:Set up Campus HerePassage 10 Ann Arbor Kills Its Newspaper--to Save It经济类Passage 1 Will Online Sales Brighten a Bleak Holiday Season?Passage 2 Texas Braces for an Oil Bust……………Passage 3 For the Post Office:Snow,Rain and Now Gloom ofRecessionPassage 4 FDIC Reports That Bank Failures Are RisingPassage 5 Credit Problems Are Climbing the Income ScalePassage 6 Can a Golf Shoe Help GEOX Beat the Recession?Passage 7 Commodities ConundrumPassage 8 A Drag on the Economic Rebound:Consumer SpendingPassage 9 A fter Polaroid,Keeping Instant Photography AlivePassage 10 A bercrombie & Fitch:Worst Recession Brand?科技类Passage 1 Finding Energy All around UsPassage 2 Mars:Pop 6Passage 3 Mapping the Ratsin New York CityPassage 4 Wait a Second:Why 2008 Was aLong YearPassage 5 LearningMore aboutLevitationPassage 6 What Good Is Sleep?New Lessons from the Fruit FlyPassage 7 An Organism Survives Antarctica- and Maybe MarsPassage 8 Ida:Humankind’S Earliest Ancestor!(Not Really)………………………………Passage 9 The fMRI Brain Scan:A Better Lie Detector7Passage 10 New Clues in the Mass Death ofBees健康类Passage 1 Does the Flu Vaccine Really Protect Kids?Passage 2 Can Vitamin D Protect Against Breast Cancer?Passage 3 Lack of Sleep Linked to Heart ProblemsPassage 4 Why Men Are Better Dieters than Wbmen…………………………………Passage 5 Study:Secondhand Smoke Tied to DementiaPassage 6 Eatinga Bit Less Salt Can Be a Big Health BoonPassage 7 Why Does Scratching Relieve an Itch?……………………………………Passage 8 Many Elderly Falls Due to Inner-Ear ImbalancePassage 9 Study:Web Therapy Can Help Ease InsomniaPassage 10 Benefits Seen in Post-cancer Weight Lifting
社会类Passage 1 The Best Way to Curb Forced MarriagesPassage 2 France’S New Year’S Tradition:Car-BurningPassage 3 E-Waste NotPassage 4 Bunkinginwith Mom and DadPassage 5 In Japan,Fast Fashion Rules in Slow TimesPassage 6 CanWindPowerGetupto Speed?Passage 7 Does the E.U.’S Airline Blacklist Make Flying Safer?Passage 8 ALighterBrew:NonalcoholicBeerPassage 9 Distracted Driving:Should Talking,Texting Be Banned?Passage 10 Why Americans Are Adopting Fewer Kids from China?………………………文教类Passage 1 Criminalizing Home SchoolersPassage 2 Hidden College Costs:Rising FeesPassage 3 A Writing Prize for the People,by the PeoplePassage 4 No Dropouts Left Behind:New Rules on Grad RatesPassage 5 Making Reading,Writing and Recession Work TogetherPassage 6 A Brief History of Post humous LiteraturePassage 7 Cash-Strapped State Schools Being ForcedtoPrivatize Passage 8 Can Charter-School Execs Help Failing Public Schools?……………………………Passage 9 India to Foreign Colleges:Set up Campus HerePassage 10 Ann Arbor Kills Its Newspaper--to Save It经济类Passage 1 Will Online Sales Brighten a Bleak Holiday Season?Passage 2 Texas Braces for an Oil Bust……………Passage 3 For the Post Office:Snow,Rain and Now Gloom ofRecessionPassage 4 FDIC Reports That Bank Failures Are RisingPassage 5 Credit Problems Are Climbing the Income ScalePassage 6 Can a Golf Shoe Help GEOX Beat the Recession?Passage 7 Commodities ConundrumPassage 8 A Drag on the Economic Rebound:Consumer SpendingPassage 9 A fter Polaroid,Keeping Instant Photography AlivePassage 10 A bercrombie & Fitch:Worst Recession Brand?科技类Passage 1 Finding Energy All around UsPassage 2 Mars:Pop 6Passage 3 Mapping the Ratsin New York CityPassage 4 Wait a Second:Why 2008 Was aLong YearPassage 5 LearningMore aboutLevitationPassage 6 What Good Is Sleep?New Lessons from the Fruit FlyPassage 7 An Organism Survives Antarctica- and Maybe MarsPassage 8 Ida:Humankind’S Earliest Ancestor!(Not Really)………………………………Passage 9 The fMRI Brain Scan:A Better Lie Detector7Passage 10 New Clues in the Mass Death ofBees健康类Passage 1 Does the Flu Vaccine Really Protect Kids?Passage 2 Can Vitamin D Protect Against Breast Cancer?Passage 3 Lack of Sleep Linked to Heart ProblemsPassage 4 Why Men Are Better Dieters than Wbmen…………………………………Passage 5 Study:Secondhand Smoke Tied to DementiaPassage 6 Eatinga Bit Less Salt Can Be a Big Health BoonPassage 7 Why Does Scratching Relieve an Itch?……………………………………Passage 8 Many Elderly Falls Due to Inner-Ear ImbalancePassage 9 Study:Web Therapy Can Help Ease InsomniaPassage 10 Benefits Seen in Post-cancer Weight Lifting
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