The Fiery Trial 短评

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  • 1 Biomass 2016-02-03 17:27:59

    02/02/2016 Foner毕竟美国内战史大家,这个普利策奖拿的不亏。不过就哲学深度上来说……在美国内战这种极其严肃复杂的议题上,历史学家保持「展现全貌而不做裁判」的作风确实必要。将问题留给雅法这样的专门解经家去探讨就好。

  • 0 headradio 2020-11-30 07:17:52

    A very unique way to write a biography, but very appropriate for its subject. As the image of Lincoln in American history is defined by the issue of slavery and Civil War, it makes so much sense to write his biography centered around these two topics. It serves two purposes in one book: Lincoln's life, and Emancipation and Civil War.

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