Five Chiefs 短评

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  • 0 時代抗疫totoro 2013-12-21 05:37:09

    very mundane, very mundane, that's my overall impression of the book and Justice Steve, so mundane that it is to some extents insincere…it's interesting to get his genuine personal opinion on the Great John Marshall and Earl Warren, but nothing truly interesting more from his subsequent three bosses, well, he's still politician after all...

  • 0 蒋娇娇 2013-07-23 09:14:32

    好无聊好无聊,if you are looking for something fun, i wont recommend this one.第一,老头讲的笑话太冷了。第二,老头的style我真是受不了,句子写那么复杂绕来绕去的糊弄谁呢?!可能老人都是这style吧。

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