
  • 学界的风气是一事当前必先追问终极原因,这种思维方式至今仍在许多人的头脑中存在,但它在大多数场合并不能给人们带来更多的知识。···伽利略对人们说,要先搞清楚事物是怎么样,然后才能回答为什么。在思辨风气甚嚣尘上的时代,伽利略得不到广泛的认同感,而自牛顿始,这种先描述后解释的思维才成为自然科学的标准思维,正因为如此,牛顿以后的科学才步入正轨,日益昌明。(牛顿,导读p17) (查看原文)
    兰德尔 4赞 2020-11-29 00:37:34
  • 哲学中的推理规则 规则I 寻求自然事物的原因,不得超出真实和足以解释其现象者 为达此目的,哲学家们说,自然不做徒劳的事,解释多了白费口舌,言简意赅才见真谛;因为自然喜欢简单性,不会响应于多余原因的侈谈。 规则II 因此对于相同的自然现象,必须尽可能地寻求相同的原因。 例如人与野兽的呼吸;欧洲与美洲的石头下落;炊事用火的光亮与阳光;地球反光与行星反光。 规则III 物体的特性,若其程度既不能增加也不能减少,且在实验所及范围内为所有物体所共有:则应视为一切物体的普遍属性。 因为,物体的特性只能通过实验为们所了解,我们认为是普适的属性只能是实验上普适的:只能是既不会减少又绝不会消失的。我们当然不会因为梦幻和凭空臆想面放弃实验证据;也不会背弃自然的相似性,这种相似性应是简单的,首尾一致的。我们无法逾越感官而了解物体的广延,也无无法由此而深入物体内内部:但是,因为我们假设所有物体的广延是可感知的,所以也把这一属性普遍地赋予所有物体。我们由经验知道许多物体是硬的:面全体的硬度是由部分的硬度所产生的,所以我们恰当地推断,不仅我们感知的物体的粒子是硬的,而且所有其他粒子都是硬的。说所有物体都是不可穿透的,这不是推理而来的结论,而是感知的。我们发现拿着的物体是不可穿透的,由此推断出不可穿透性是一切物体的普遍性质。说所有物体邡能运动,并赋予它们在运动时或静止时具有某种保持其状态的能力(我们称之为惯性),只不过是由我们曾见到过的物体中所发现的类似特性而推断出来的。全体的广延、硬度、不可穿透性、可运动性和惯性,都是由部分的广延、硬度,不可穿透性、可运动性和惯性所造成的:因而我们推断所有物体的最小例子也都具有广延、硬度、不可穿透性、可运动性,并赋予它们以惯性性质。这是一切哲学的基础。此外,物体分离的但又相邻接的粒子可以相互分开,这是观测事实,在未被分开的粒子内,我们的思维能区分出更小的部... (查看原文)
    兰德尔 4赞 2020-11-29 00:37:34
    —— 引自第257页
  • 科学是实证的,也不仅仅是实证的。我们说科学是实证的,是说科学发端于实验和观测,得到理论、预言,再通过实验和观测检验预言。科学不仅是实证的,因为一旦理论化,可以推出无限多个预言,我们不可能一一检验这些预言,我们只能相信逻辑和数学结构的一致性使得科学成为一个整体。但是,一旦某一天其中一个推论被实验否定,我们就要改进科学本身。宇宙学也如此,宇宙学是科学延伸的极致,因为宇宙学的建立依赖于对规律的极端信任。举一个重要的例子我们就明白为什么是这样:通常天文尺度非常大,我们不可能用寻常的方法测量天文距离。天文距离的测量一般是两种,一种是通过三角关系测量,即所谓的视差。当距离非常大时, 我们要借助第二种方法, 即找到一种被认为是亮度固定的天体,然后通过表面的亮度决定这个天体距离我们多远:就像一支具有固有亮度的蜡烛一样,我们可以通过眼中看到的亮度确定它离我们有多远,亮度越是微弱,距离我们越远。第二种测量距离的方法含有两个假定,第一是给定的天体有固定的亮度,第二是表面亮度与距离平方成反比。当距离很大时,后一个假定并不能通过寻常的方法检验。我们反过来将第二个假定变成定义,由这个方法定义出来的距离叫视距离。 物理学中有很多概念和陈述并不是我们寻常经验的推论。例如,我们在实验室实现一个极高的温度,如上万度,我们并不是用寻常的温度计来测量的,而是通过光谱。光谱本身用来决定温度其实也暗含了一些假定,例如光的波长与温度成反比,或者倒过来,在某个温度之上,温度就是通过光来定义的。很多概念的延伸都超出了寻常的经验,但是,所有这些定义必须满足逻辑的自洽性。这样,在物理学中,我们可以定义非同寻常的高温,非同寻常的极小的距离,也可以定义非常寻常的极大的距离。 宇宙学的建立,就是需要我们对这些概念的信任,这样,我们就回答了我年轻时对宇宙学的第一个质疑:我们能够相信物理学在遥远的距离之外和遥远的过去都是成立的吗?回答是... (查看原文)
    兰德尔 4赞 2020-11-29 00:37:34
  • Thus geometry is founded upon mechanical procedure, and is nothing else but that part of universal mechanics that accurately sets forth and demonstrates the art of measuring. (查看原文)
    宣棋 1赞 2016-10-11 02:43:53
    —— 引自第3页
  • For the whole difficulty of philosophy appears to turn upon this: that from the phenomena of motion we may investigate the forces of nature, and then from these forces we may demonstrate the rest of the phenomena. (查看原文)
    宣棋 1赞 2016-10-11 02:43:53
    —— 引自第3页
  • The quantity of A is the measure of the same arising from B and C conjointly (查看原文)
    宣棋 1赞 2016-10-11 02:43:53
    —— 引自第3页
  • 在《绪论》的P6,书中描述:“因此,在那些加速重力减少了一半的区域,物体的重量是原来的1/2或1/3,重量变成原来的1/4或1/6”。 这句话中的第一个“重量”应该是“质量”,我理解的应该没有错误吧牛老?! (查看原文)
    chenyusb 1赞 2018-02-21 15:32:05
    —— 引自第6页
  • Quantities, as well as the ratios of quantities, which in any finite time you please constantly tend towards equality, and before the end of that time approach nearer to each other than by any given difference you please, become ultimately equal. If you deny it, let them become ultimately unequal, and let their ultimate difference be D. Therefore, they cannot approach nearer to each other than by the given difference D contrary to the hypothesis. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-18 09:28:59
    —— 引自第47页
  • The hypothesis of indivisibles is harder, and that method is accordingly thought to be less geometrical....I don't wish these to be understood as indivisibles, but always as divisible evanescents, not as the sums and ratios of determinate parts, but always as the limits of sums and ratios..... (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:56:04
    —— 引自第119页
  • (Lemma 3 Corollary1) Hence the ultimate sum of the evanescent parallelograms coincides on all sides with the curvilinear figure. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • And therefore, these ultimate figures (as regards their perimeters acE) are not rectilinear, but curvilinear limits of rectilinear figures. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • All the sides of similar figures that correspond to each other mutually, curvilinear as well as rectilinear, are proportional, and the areas are in duplicate ratio of the sides. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • If any arc ACB given in position be subtended by a chord AB, and at some point A, in the middle of continuous curvature, it be touched by a straight line AD produced by a straight line AD produced both ways, and then if points A, B approach each other and come together, I say that the angle BAD, contained by the chord and the tangent, is diminished in infinitum and ultimately vanishes. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • For if that angle does not vanish, the arc ACB will contain with the tangent AD an angle equal to a rectilinear angle, and for that reason the curvature at point A will not be continuous, contrary to the hypothesis. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • and therefore all these lines can be used in place of each other in all considerations of ultimate ratios. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-01-30 10:58:15
    —— 引自第55页
  • If given straight lines AR, BR, together with the arc ACB, the chord AB, and the tangent AD, form the there triangles RAV, RACB, RAD, and then the points A and B approach each other, I say that the ultimate form of the evanescent triangles is similarity, and the ultimate ratio equality. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-02-03 04:26:35
    —— 引自第91页
  • For while point B approaches point A, let AB, AD, AR, be understood to be extended to the distant points b,d, and r, and rbd to be drawn parallel to RD, and let the arc Acb be always similar to the arc ACB. And when the points A, B come together, the angle bAd will vanish, and therefore the three triangles rAb, rAcb, rAd, always finite, will coincide and for that reason are similar and equal. Hence, RAB, RACB, RAD, always similar and proportional to these, will ultimately become similar and equal to each other. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-02-03 04:26:35
    —— 引自第91页
  • and therefore the straight lines Ab, Ad, always finite, and the arc Acb lying between them, coincide, and therefore will be equal (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-02-03 04:26:35
    —— 引自第91页
  • The space which a body describes when any finite force whatever urges [it], whether that force be determinate and immutable, or whether it be continually increased or continually decreased, are at the very beginning of the motion in the duplicate ratio of the times. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-02-03 05:09:33
    —— 引自第94页
  • And hence it is easily deduced that when bodies describe similar parts of similar figures in proportional times, the deviations that are generated by any equal forces you please similarly applied to the bodies, and that are measured by the distanced of the bodies from those places of the similar figures to which the same bodies would have arrived in the same proportional times without those forces, are as the squares of the times in which they are generated, very nearly. (查看原文)
    宣棋 2017-02-03 05:09:33
    —— 引自第94页
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